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Identification Systems

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Soyal Technology Ltd.; Soyal 進出系統 - 產品包括聰明咭、八達通式讀咭機、進出系統、考勤系統、出糧薪金系統、指紋機。 Products include access control system, payroll, time attendance, mifare, smart card, fingeprint reader.
  2. Hectrix Ltd.; 和盛智網有限公司 - Smartcard, Biometric & Internet appliance technologies - the first biometrics access control and time attendance system that fits into your web workStyle. 整合內置網頁伺服器及電容晶片指紋識別技術的門禁、智能咭的門禁及考勤系統.
  3. Asia Vision Technology Ltd; 亞洲視覺科技有限公司 - License Plate Recognition. 生產應用軟體 - VECON System,該軟件可辨認移動中及靜態中物件的文字及顏色。 研發車牌及集裝箱號碼識別系統、停車場管理和交通監控技術。
  4. Access Control Systems Ltd.; 智達系統有限公司 - Provides access control system, computerized security system, CCTV, recorder, quad unit, motor gate system, carpark system.
  5. Calibe Systems & Equipment Limited; 偉翔業務(集團)有限公司 - provides card access control (proximity reader), computerized security system, digital recorder, quad unit, multiplex, video transmission unit, which can be operated at integration platform.
  6. Chinetek Intelligence Company Ltd.; 先達智能有限公司 - Provides smart card solutions to meet requirements in physical access Ccntrol, computer desk terminals & network security, secure e-commerce solution, secure internet access, automatic fare collection, club management, ID card, park & ride.
  7. 303 Technology Ltd.; 303 科技有限公司 - 硏發指紋認證系統。
  8. Garlic Consulting - 製作網上宣傳工具、印刷品、攝影、電子商貿及商業管理系統等。
  9. Golden Apple Biometrics Company Ltd.; 金鍵寶科技保安有限公司 - 生物識別進出系統方案,包括指紋及瞳孔識別系統。

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