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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Sino-Fortune Logistic Co. Ltd.; 兆興隆物流有限公司 - 提供貨櫃存倉、租櫃租賃剷車、伕力拆貨、拖運、公証大磅等服務。
  2. Orient Overseas Container Line - a global container transportation company providing customers with global, containerized transportation services. It has a network of services linking North America, Europe, Asia and Australia / New Zealand.
  3. Cosco Pacific Ltd. - a public listed company engaged in the leasing of shipping containers.
  4. Hop Lik Container (H.K.) Ltd.; 合力貨柜(香港)有限公司 - 提供租柜儲貨, 貨柜出租, 寄存貨柜, 拆柜轉柜, 貨柜出售, 凍柜打凍等服務. Services include stored services, container leasing, container storage, container devanning, container sales, refrigerated conitainer services...
  5. First Rate Logistics Ltd.; 首領物流有限公司 - Services include storage container, leasing container, transportation in and from HK/China border.

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