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Video Conferencing

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Eware Networks Ltd.; 盈域網絡有限公司 - VoIP gateway, video conferencing, remote monitoring, IP VPN, fax to email products from Eware Networks Ltd are your one stop for network communication solution.
  2. Pacific DataCom (HK) Ltd.; 太平洋數碼科技(香港)有限公司 - 服務包括構建電腦網絡、虛擬專用網、IP電話網、視像會議、布線、數碼保安及門禁等。 Provider of LAN/WAN infrastructure, Virtual Private Network(VPN), IP telephony, video conferencing, digital surveillance and access control solutions.
  3. Ultra Active Tech Ltd. - Provides audio visual collaborations, IP network, video streaming and boardroom facilities.
  4. Video Conference Directory; 視像會議目錄 - 關於視像會議, 會議等相關服務或產品資訊的目錄式網站。
  5. Whygo - 提供視像會議室租賃,當您需要與其他地方進行視像會議的時,您可以在我們的網上系統搜尋您需要的會議室地點。

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