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Network Hardware-網絡硬件@(20)
Telephone System-電話系統 (29)
Wire and Cable-電線電纜@(20)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Motorola Hong Kong; 摩特羅拉亞太有限公司 - 摩特羅拉香港 - 流動電話產品的資訊。
  2. Sun Creation Engineering Ltd.; 輝創工程有限公司 - 提供工程、校正、電訊網絡、電話、儀器及寬器材維修服務。
  3. Wonderfuldata.com Ltd.; 奇妙數據有限公司 - 設計安裝電話語音、語音信箱、錄音系統。
  4. 華達科技有限公司 - 經營通訊及電子類產品,包括手機、數碼錄音筆、數碼相機、無線電通訊測試儀及頻譜分析儀。
  5. 駿科科技有限公司 - 代理中港電話系統、數碼遙遠監察系統、VoIP(MOSA)、VPN、視像會議設備等。
  6. Macorview Telecom - communications network products, consultation, installation, and maintainence.
  7. Hutchison Global Crossing; 和記環球電訊有限公司 - 由和記黃埔有限公司及亞洲環球電訊組成,服務包括本地通訊服務、國際通訊服務及多媒體服務。
  8. Proactive Technology Ltd.; 寶訊科技有限公司 - provider of Computer Telephony Integration CTI solution and the Telecommunications Enhanced Network Services TENS (or called Valued Added Services) solutions in Asia. Produts include interactive voice response systems.
  9. Nipson Telecm Ltd.; 北域通訊 - Telecommunicationsfor key system & consultant.
  10. Accutone Technologies Ltd.; 佳音科技 - specializes in telecommunications accessories, from business-use telephone amplifiers to telephone headset, from computer headsets to mobile phone handfress, from dictation gears to earphones and microphones.
  11. Well Genius Technology Ltd.; 俊英科技有限公司 - supply and manufacture RF & Microwave devices, Fibre Optic jumper cables, Switching Equipment components for the telecom equipment manufacturers. 銷售通訊零件,光纜,接插件等產品。
  12. Matlock Telecom - messaging & telecommunications systems
  13. Ngai Chun Telecom Services Co. - 提供商業電話系統安裝, 保養, 搬遷, 系統網絡服務. Nortel, Norstar PABX & KeyLine telephone system , installation, maintenance, structure cabling.
  14. KTT Netcom Ltd. - 提供電訊、資料管理服務、電話系統、架設網絡、留言信箱系統等。 Provides one-stop telecom and IT solution, including call centre, telephone system, structure cabling, VOIP, voice mail system, network system, etc..
  15. Head Strong International Ltd.; 怡創科技有限公司 - 產品包括小衛星電話、SOHO 4-line telephone、Quasar 2L等。

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