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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Cellsina Communications - Manufactures and exports mobile phone accessories, spare parts, LCD, data cable, repairing tools, flash and fancy accessories.
  2. Wectron Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 慧創電子(香港)有限公司 - 批發/零售手機(手提)配件,包括電池、耳機、鏈接器、充電器等。
  3. 4U Stuff Company; 惠利產品 - Wholesales PDA accessories, iPod accessories, mobile accessories, GPS ,WiFi products.
  4. Channel Enterprises (HK) Ltd. 廣訊科技公司 - Manufacturing mobile phone battery pack, antenna & automatic lathe parts. 手提電話電池、天線及自動車床零件生產商。
  5. Battery-Direct.Com - 一個專售賣手提電話電池的地利方,提供愛立信、摩托羅拉及諾基亞的電池。
  6. Dunamis International, Ltd. - 從事手電配的製造及代理,包括電池、充電機、免提聽筒、按鍵等。
  7. JC Shop; 精思科技網 - 出售及介紹新手提電話、電郵通知器、來電閃燈手錶、拉尺型免提聽筒等。
  8. S K Telecom Co. Ltd.; 思勤行電訊有限公司 - Wholesaler of mobile phone and original accessories based in Hong Kong. 原廠手機、配件及流動電話儲值咭批發.
  9. Cameron Sino Technology Company; 金岸科技 - Export / Import telecommunication mobile phone original or OEM accessories and parts: battery, flashing battery, housing, flashing, antenna, flashing antenna, hands free, leather case, LCD, LED, IC, tools, data cable etc.
  10. Honest Telecom; 老實人電訊 - 香港手提電話零售店,提供一般電話買賣、維修、配件、解鎖等服務。
  11. Vouch Tech Industries Ltd. - 流動電話配件製造商,產品包括電池、皮袋及充電器等。
  12. Wilson Communications Ltd; 衛訊電訊有限公司 - 售賣各類型號的手提電話, 原裝配件及儲值咭.
  13. Hankey Asia Ltd. - hand crank dynamo mobile phone charger, charge your mobile phone by your hand without batteries, at any time & place, easy to carry, even Palm can be charged.
  14. Heaveny Group Co., Ltd. - manufacturer and exporter of mobile phone accessories such as battery pack, travel charger, car charger, desktop charger, handsfree kit, etc.
  15. Ottomann Wireless Handsfree Car Kit - wireless handsfree Carkit, wireless mobile handsfree, auto dimming mirror.
  16. MuteTone - 手提電話訊號阻音系統阻止手提電話在控制範圍內撥出或接收電話傳訊。 A cellular phone signal muting system that actively prevents mobile cellular phones from making or receiving calls within a controlled area.
  17. People's Ware Cellular Phone Accessories - Cellular phone accessories for every make and model, wholesale and retail, distributed worldwide.
  18. Mobile-Parts Centre - products selections for any worldwide mobile phone system
  19. 虎電訊網 - 手機鈴聲下載、秘技及圖片。
  20. DTB Group Ltd.; 聚豐集團有限公司 - Imports and exports mobile phone accessories to wholesalers and retailers. Offers hands-free, plug-in saver, travel charger, housing, faceplate, carrying case, lanyard, neck, hand strap, bracelet.
  21. Abba Industrial Ltd. - Manufactures mobile phone accessories.
  22. Telefox Communication; 特利保電訊 - 從事流動電話原廠配件及零件批發、零售。
  23. Aletech International Limited. - 生產手提電話配件飾物,含產品目錄。
  24. nobo - provide iphone 3g case, nobo case, Apple case, Macbook case.

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