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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Road King Infrastructure Ltd.; 路勁基建 - invests in, develops, operates and manages toll highways, expressways and bridges in China. 投資、營運及管理中國橋道及高速公路等。
  2. Tsing Ma Management Ltd.; 青馬管理有限公司 - 負責管理、營運和保養青馬管制區內的橋樑、隧道及公路等設施。
  3. Autotoll Limited; 快易通有限公司 - Provides Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) service, a road transport system which allows the manual in-lane toll collection process to be automated in such a way that motorists do not have to stop and pay cash at a tollbooth. 提供電子道路收費系統服務,一套道路運輸管理系統,在每條行車線上,以自動化方式取代人手收費,駕駛人士無需要在收費站前停車。

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