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Red Cross-紅十字會@(2)
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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Teacher of Ten Thousand Generations Foundation; 萬世師表有限公司 - Aids underprivileged children and their families in China by providing assistance to educate the children.
  2. ADRA China; 安澤國際救援協會 - 工作主要在緊急救援、經濟發展、基層健康及環境保護上,例如流動醫療車、草磚房、弧兒學校等。 Maily focuses on emergency relief, economic development, primary health and environmental protection, such as mobile clinic, straw bale house, orphane school.
  3. The Society of Boys' Centres-Chak Yan Centre; 香港扶幼會則仁中心 - 香港扶幼會則仁中心及學校,乃受社會福利署及教育署資助之學童院舍及學校,專為小三至中三,在行為情緒上有適應困難之學童,提供教學,課餘照顧及住宿等服務。

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