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Waste Management

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Yuen Hing Godown Company Ltd.; 源興鐵倉有限公司 - Imports and exports scrap metal and used computers. Also exports computer hardware, cars and motor.
  2. Fukutomi Company Ltd.; 卜高通美有限公司 - importer and recycler of many types of plastic scrap material.
  3. APMC Ltd.; 亞太工業有限公司 - Manufactures packaged sewage treatment plants, grey water recycle systems, biological treatment and grease intercpetors. Auxilary plants includes pressured media filters, UV disinfection, agitators and chemical tanks.
  4. ACM Waste Disposal Company; 天朗環保處理公司 - 提供存貨或廢料買賣、處理個人及公司廢棄物品或設備、機密文件、電子及機械設備銷毀或打碎等服務。
  5. 錦明環保工程公司 - 有化糞池和隔油池服務。
  6. Mayor International Trading Co; 美華國際貿易公司 - 專門從事收集和提供可再生的廢舊塑膠、電池及電腦廢料等。

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