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Churches-教會 (4)
Organizations-天主教組織 (9)
Resources-天主教資源 (3)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong; 天主教香港教區 - includes index of hymns, sunday mass and homilies etc.
  2. Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre (HK); 天主教香港教區視聽中心 - produce religious, cultural, moral education programs in diversified AV products, such as VHS, CD, VCD, Cassette tapes, books, etc., also develop and promote media education & training.
  3. Caritas - Hong Kong; 香港明愛 - as the official social service agency of the Roman Catholic Church in Hong Kong, the purpose and task is to be at the service of individuals, families, groups and communities, etc. 為天主教香港教區之社會服務機構,其宗旨是為個人、家庭、團體和社區提供服務。
  4. Diocesan Office for Laity Fomation; 教區教友培育辦事處 - 辦事處簡介, 信仰熱線, 培育及福傳活動, 團體資料, 培育資源.
  5. The Hong Kong Legion of Mary; 香港聖母軍 - 有關聖母軍的簡介,歷史,分布,資料,活動等。
  6. Friars Minor in Hong Kong; 方濟會小兄弟 - 聖方濟於1223年創立的天主教修會,小兄弟們在團體內過服從,貧窮及貞潔的福音生活
  7. Catholic Missions; 普世傳播中心 - 分享信仰生活,推展福音傳播.

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