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IELTS 幾分?15分鐘即測, 想知自己 IELTS 英文水平 ? Wall Street 幫你免費測試,立即參加。
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. China Sunfine - manufacturer and exporter of marine accessories, Life raft, yacht light, boat accessories, parts and more.
  2. Asia Boating Ltd. - Provide boats and yachts for sale in Hong kong, China and Asia. From speed boats to big flybridge motor yachts.
  3. Elegant Boating Service; 卓越遊艇 - 提供遊艇租賃,適合船河、釣墨魚、商務會議、海上婚禮等。
  4. 西貢大頭洲康樂釣魚排 - 提供漁排活動、快艇活動、遊艇活動等。
  5. Royal Hong kong Yacht Club; 香港遊艇會 - 有風帆,划艇等資料。
  6. Simpson Marine - sells sailing and motoryachts from 30' to 300', both new and second hand, from the world's leading shipyards, also manages, charters and repairs yachts.
  7. Hong Kong Yachting Association
  8. Hong Kong Yacht Fans Club; 香港遊艇俱樂部 - 提供本地船主及輪機師執照課程、國際潛水課程、滑水課程、無線電牌照、遊艇買賣、海事資訊、技術交流等。
  9. Heng Fung Yacht Company - Provides marine trade, boat equipment and second hand boat.
  10. Pak Marine Co. Ltd. - 提供遊艇買賣資料。 Provides marine consulting services for the purchasing, selling and project management of aluminum alloy, steel, composite and F.R.P. motor yachts, sail and ferries.
  11. S-fans; S水上活動 - 提供遊艇船河、夜釣墨魚、快艇滑水、海上派對服務,使你能有一個愉快滿足的海上活動感受。
  12. Sunny Marine Service Co. ; 日洸船務公司 - 經營遊艇、快艇及釣魚船買賣,售賣遊艇用品、零件、船尾機及船罩。
  13. 西貢B仔遊艇 - 提供西貢遊艇租賃、遊船河、夜釣墨魚、快艇滑水、香蕉船等水上活動。遊覽世界自然遺產六角柱石之旅。
  14. Hong Kong Sailing - news on sailing in Hong Kong, sailing courses, sailing forums, information exchange etc.

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