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Building Materials-建築材料@(54)
Organizations-建築組織 (7)
Publishing-建築出版 (2)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 前九廣鐵路總站鐘樓 - 介紹前九廣鐵路總站鐘樓。
  2. Ronald Lu & Partners (HK) Ltd.; 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 - 綜合建築、室內設計、園林規劃服務,遍及香港、中國內地(深圳、北京、上海、珠海等)、越南及澳洲。 Provides architectural, interior, urban planning services with diverse portfolio in Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and Australia.
  3. 香港建築博覽 - 香港國際機場, 力寶中心, 大球場, 中國銀行及匯豐銀行的圖片。
  4. VHSoft Technologies; 緯衡科技有限公司 - 有網上工程項目管理系及建築業應用服務方案。
  5. RJ Models Ltd.; 香港建築模型有限公司 - 提供建築、地勢、室內及燈光效果等專業模型製作.
  6. Construction Industry Training Authority; 建造業訓練局 - establishing and maintaining industrial training centres, providing training courses for the construction industry etc. 設立及管理工業訓練中心及為建築業提供訓練課程, 輔助結業學員就業,而協助的方式可包括給予經濟支援。
  7. Hong Kong Construction (Holdings) Ltd.; 香港建設(控股)有限公司 - Hong Kong based building and civil engineering contractor
  8. Nelson Chen Architects - Offering services in architecture, master planning and interior design, including renovations and adaptive reuse.
  9. Original Vision Limted - design in urban planning, architecture, interior design and construction services
  10. Advanced Specialist Tratement Engineer Ltd; 香港雅士達-百利加有限公司 - undertake corrosion protection work in Hong Kong and China.
  11. Foundation Techniques Ltd. - perform pile driving analysis (PDA) tests
  12. a1 Tiger Engineering (1986) Company, container containers; 大嘉工程(1986)公司 - Sales & rental of sea containers, container offices and spcial made containers.
  13. Anderson Asia (Holdings) Limited; 安達巨大亞
  14. James Law Cybertecture International Ltd.; 科建國際有限公司 - Cybertecture工程設計及策略顧問公司。 工作範圍包括強化 Cybertecture工程的建築、基建、城市規劃、企業及通訊策略研究,以至電腦程式及軟件設計等。 Consultancy specializes in the design and strategy formation of Cybertecture projects including futuristic architecture, infrastructure and city planning, strategic planning of business and communication models, research and production of custom software applications that power Cybertecture projects.
  15. Sun Fook Kong GRoup; 新福港集團 - Contractor for building and civil works, housing service and maintenance, structural steel works and IT infrastructure; plant rental; supply of precast concrete products, cooking bench and sink unit, aluminium window and stainless steel gateset.
  16. International Models Asia (HK) - IMA(HK) is an enterprising company focused in architectural models. From Reichstag in Germany to Seoul Nternational Airport in Kores, the Hong Kong Central Station or even Qingdao in China...our models include some of the world's most renown builing.
  17. URB - Services include architecture, urban planning, spatial design, research and education.
  18. LIVE . Architecture; 活•在建築 - 介紹研究的背景, 目的, 詳情, 計劃及負責人。
  19. OKO Consultants Ltd.; 奧高顧問有限公司 - Project planning and management, building surveying, building renovation, building water leakage survey and claims, license application. 工程顧問及監督;大廈翻新;屋宇測量;大廈漏水測量及索償;飲食業會所教育機構牌照申辦顧問等.
  20. Moreton Engineering & Equipment Co. Ltd. - Services include sales and rental of tower crane, gondolas, material hoist construction equipment.
  21. OMB Office for Model Building; 山明模型工作室 - 製作建築模型,包括售樓模型、規劃模型、比賽模型等。
  22. KPa Engineering Ltd.; 應力工程有限公司 - specializing in structural steelwork, tensile fabric structures, metal cladding and skylight projects in construction industry. Develop its own technical team to cater for the engineering and design work. Offer complete design, installation and contract management service.
  23. Radian Joint - A architectural model maker in Hong Kong, China, UAE, Lebanon and Moroccco.
  24. 都會建築師有限公司 - 有建築、城市、室內設計, 樓宇斜坡維修及工程顧問。
  25. Ma Leung & Associates Architects & Engineers (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 馬梁建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 - Provides architectural services both in Hong Kong and in China and covers various types of buildings including residential, industrial, commercial, hotels and institutional buildings.

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