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  1. Oriental Watch Group; 東方錶行集團 - 從事瑞士品牌手錶批發業務。
  2. WatchHK Online Shop; 逸時網上商店 - 在線主題手錶購物網, 網上手錶商店.
  3. Mk Jewellery Company; 天時貿易公司 - Online watch wholesaler and retailer.
  4. Style Watch; 鐘錶網 - magazines for worldwide buyers; free copies, subscriptions, international trade shows, and overseas advertisements, etc.
  5. FH Promotion Ltd. - 搜集了不同品牌的鐘錶過去歷史以至現在的資訊。
  6. Oris - Mechanical Swiss made watches.
  7. Legend Watch Manufacturers Ltd. - specializes in developing and manufacturing quartz watches.
  8. Egana International (Holdings) Limited - design, assembly & distributon of timepieces
  9. Limark Company Ltd. - supplying various timepieces under ODM & OEM project and premium timepiece campaign.
  10. Longain Watches Manufacturing Ltd. - specializes superbly in quartz analog plastic watches.
  11. Coma & Co., Ltd. - Provides desk clocks, solid brass, transparent glass, plastic, acrylic.
  12. Ching Kuok Watch Service; 精確鐘表服務 - antique watch shops in Hong Kong, providing various antique watches for ladies and men. 出售及維修古董鐘表。
  13. Wellgain Precision Products Ltd. - Manufactures clocks, including non-alarm, alarm etc.
  14. Win Go Gifts Industrial Ltd. - design and produce different kinds of clocks, promotion items, and watches. 時鐘設計及手錶生產。
  15. Kam Law Po (Wah Lap) Watch Co.
  16. Kawa Watch Mfg. Ltd.; 佳華鐘錶製造廠有限公司 - manufacturer & exporter of watch products in Hong Kong. Products include gold watches, leather watches, key chain watches.
  17. Markpeak Appliances (Shenzhen) Ltd.; 健鋒達(深圳)有限公司 - watch manufactuer in Shenzhen, office in Hongkong; produce medium to higher class of quality watches in our own design or OEM. 石英手錶製造家, 不斷更新款式, 亦接受客戶提供款式.
  18. Resumption Enterprise Company - manufacturer and exporter of watches and clocks business, developed new products including stainless steel, his/her pair watches, fancy color water filled inside keychain/pendant watches, military watches for U.S. Navy, interchangeable color insert ring watches, acrylic plastic desk clocks...
  19. Square Watch Ltd.; 四方錶業有限公司 - Offers various types of quartz watches, such as gent's watch, ladies' watch.
  20. Stingmars Ltd; 傑瑪有限公司 - 手錶生產商,生產經銷各類鐘錶,可供網上訂購。
  21. Everwell (H.K.) Ltd.; 高威 (香港) 有限公司 - Watch manufacturer.
  22. Verve Watch Company Ltd.; 天曆時錶業公司 - 發展時款手錶。
  23. Chee Mee Watch Case Manufactory Ltd. - Exporter & manufacturer of watches products.
  24. In Watch - Provides classic cartoons, cartoons, Disney, Toy Story, Bug's Life, the Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast watches.
  25. Chong Ma Enterprises Ltd.; 中馬實業有限公司 - producing solid stainless steel and brass watch bands. OEM 生產錶帶,包括實心鋼帶或半實心錶帶。
  26. Vily Ltd.; 榮美有限公司 - 產品包括時款手錶面、貝殼、搪瓷、油壓、啤凸、UP錶面。 Products include watch dial, mop, enamel, etching, press index, UP dial.
  27. Kadawatch - Watch manufacturer in Hong Kong.
  28. QPF Ltd.; 確寶發有限公司 - Products include karat gold watches, Ignot items, silver watches and jewelry, sport and outdoor watches, classic watches, fashion and novelties watches, digital and cyber watches.
  29. Shui Hing Metal Works - Watch Parts Manfacturer; 瑞興五金廠 - Manufacturing watch parts e.g. watch crowns, watch rings. Specialised in setting diamond or precious stone onto any watch parts.
  30. Genic Electronics Co. Ltd. - Logo watch : watch with your name/logo.
  31. Kwai Yan Watch; 貴仁鐘錶 - 專售各國世界名錶,如:Franck Muller、Patek Philppe、Bvlgarie、IWC、Rolex等。
  32. EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Ltd.; 聯洲國際集團 - 鐘錶, 珠寶, 皮革產品分銷商。
  33. Trust Time Co., - Clock & watches manufacturers, has a factory in mainland China, and specialised in manufacture of OEM, ODM.
  34. E-Digit Technology Ltd.; 富盈電子企業有限公司 - 設計及生產電子時計產品作為禮品、宣傳、零售項目。
  35. Genetics; 八達通錶 - 由億世市場推廣有限公司設計、生產及銷售。
  36. Time Jungle Co. Ltd. - Speicalizes in promotion timepieces and watches.
  37. Yes & Right Group; 德拓集團 - watch retail business and properties investments. 旗下的業務包括鐘表零售及地產投資。本集團是勞力士,帝舵表,伯爵表,卡地亞,江詩丹頓,愛彼表,君皇表,Franck Muller,寶璣,奧米茄等多種鐘表品牌的特約零售商。
  38. GBwinder Watch Winder Online Shop; 自動上鍊錶盒專門店 - 歡迎光臨-自動上鍊錶盒專門店 Watch Winder Online Shop.
  39. Rocky Timepiece (Technologies) Co., Ltd.; 樂基時計(科技)有限公司 - Watches manufacturer and exporter of quartz analog watch, chronograph watches, and jewellery watches.
  40. Gold Creative Ltd.; 創意有限公司 - Specialize in watch crowns, pushers and screw crowns etc.
  41. Sunrise Time Piece Co.; 日昇企業 - Specializes in auto and quartz watches product.
  42. Choy Yat Tong Watches Co Ltd.; 蔡一堂鐘錶有限公司 - 產品包括鐘錶、瑞士機芯、機械機芯、改裝機芯。

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