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Button-鈕扣 (14)
Gloves and Mittens-手套 (2)
Hats and Caps-帽子 (12)
Luggage and Bags-袋類產品 (121)
Neckties-領呔 (1)
Zippers-拉鍊 (12)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Global Link International - Provides hand-made fashion accessory such as cuff link (China button), metalware, trimmings, real/fake fur, belt and corsage.
  2. JiaLu holdings (hk) Co., Ltd; 佳路香港 - 服裝行業輔料公司。
  3. Hung Fat Hangers & Button Products Co. Ltd.; 鴻發衣架鈕扣製品有限公司 - 生產塑膠衣架及吹氣塑料製品及代理鈕扣和製衣配料。
  4. Yan Sheng Heng Company Ltd.; 衍昇行有限公司 - Produces embroidery lace such as trimming, collars, motifs and all-over embroidered, etc..
  5. P & T Asia Ltd.; 卓爾亞洲有限公司 - Provides bags, christian jewelry, apparels products.
  6. MSK Weaving Factory Ltd.; 萬事佳繩帶廠有限公司 - Manufactures, exports and wholesales braid, knitted, ric rac, piping, waxed, string, crochet, elastic, jacquard, ribbon, satin, velvet, twill, woven tape and other narrow fabrics. ALso provides tailor-made products service from designing to producing.
  7. Hanco Industries Ltd. - A Hong Kong based fashion bags, caps, belts products manufacturer with production in ShenZhen, China. Specialized in fashion accessories items.
  8. Wang Kam Accessory Co.; 宏鑫配料公司 - Supplies garment accessory and clothing, including ribbon, zipper pull, button, brooch, climbing clip, garment fabric, sweater, recycle bag, kid wears, sewaters.
  9. Preference Weaving Manufactory; 慶祐繩帶製品 - 尼龍織帶, 尼龍包邊及中國繩結

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