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Equipment-紡織設備 (19)
Information-紡織資訊 (2)
Organizations-紡織組織 (2)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Wei Chuan Feng Industrial Co. Ltd.;威全鋒實業股份有限公司 - 生產工業用布, 包括尼龍網布, 特多龍布, 跳布, 濾網, PU, PVC。
  2. Che Kee Piece Goods Hong; 樹記布行 - 位於深水步,零售及批發布疋。
  3. Tung Cheong (HK) Ind. Co.; 東昌(香港)實業有限公司 - 製造, 出口毛絨布, 顆粒布, 剪毛布, 代客批發文具精品及小飾物。
  4. Nam Hing (Hong Kong) Co Ltd. - 專製毛巾、護腕、頭帶、浴袍、拖鞋浴裙等。
  5. HandCrafter; 手作仔 - 銷售紐西蘭羊毛、日本HAMANAKA羊毛、羊毛氈產品代訂、工具材料及團體教學。
  6. Bros Holding Ltd.; 百隆集團 - 研發、生產、銷售混色花紗,適合針織、梭織及毛織系列服裝。
  7. HKJ Enterprises Company; 港日行 - Interlinings manufactuer for wovens, knits and nonwovens.
  8. TexStudio; 紡織工作室 - Internet/web solution services provider for users who are looking to setup very basic web presence to conduct trade online and internet operating efficiencies.
  9. Textilecentre; 紡織中心 - 全球紡織業資料庫.
  10. 紡織交易所 - A free exchange house for textile and apparel related products. 為買賣雙方提供更多商業機會及網上交易平台. 市場價格及多種相關資訊.
  11. Fong's National Engineering; 立信染整機械有限公司 - Manufacturer of Fong's high temperature sample dyeing machine, easyclean series dyeing machine, precision shrinkage dryer etc.
  12. Ultra Outlet Ltd. - Produces and sells natural fibres, silks, linen and cotton etc.
  13. Bliss Yarn Ltd.; 福英毛紗有限公司 - 專營: 人造光絲, 100%-Rayon Yarn (包括染色), 日本Kyototex brand金銀線, 兔毛, 羊仔毛等.
  14. Boldi - traders and stocklsts in Hong Kong. Also export China Mainland Yarn Spinner's Product.
  15. Westcot Company Ltd. - 生產及設計 Dry-Tech 品牌的布料。
  16. Fountain Set (Holdings) Ltd.; 福田實業(集團)有限公司 - Knitting, yarn dyeing, piece dyeing, finishing and finishes, printing, quality control. 織布, 染色紗, 整理, 印花, 品質控制.
  17. Apple Plus International Company; 淩萍國際有限公司 - Provides interlining, woven and non woven fabric, shoulder pad and garment accessories. 提供朴布、膊棉和服裝配料。
  18. BestGain Textile Co. Ltd.; 佳溢紡織有限公司 - provides various embroidery goods including home textile, linen, hand embroidery goods, machine embroidery goods, tablecloths, tablecover, bed sheet, bed cover, handkerchief, doilies, traycloths, towel, apron, cushion cover, lace, tissue box cover, etc.
  19. Chartkar; 集嘉國際 (集團) 有限公司 - 生產、出口及銷售各類棉紗、原胚布及成品布,亦有經營印染廠及色織廠。
  20. Chung Nam Dyeing & Printing Fty Ltd.; 中南印染廠有限公司 - Processes bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing of woven fabric.
  21. Wintus(China) Ltd.; 宏美達(中國)有限公司 - A Hong Kong trading company, selling products from China such as quota, textiles, cotton yarns, silks, household accessories and ceramics. 傱事配額、成衣、布疋、棉紗、真絲、綢緞、日用品及陶瓷等中國貿易業務.
  22. P & B (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 駿洋(香港)有限公司 - 生產毛絨布、抓毛布及剪毛布等布料。
  23. Wing Hing Cloths (International) Co., Ltd.; 榮興布業國際有限公司 - 生產人造纖維、人造毛、人造棉、人造絲、精梳全棉、尼龍、拉架、士賓及金銀蔥等產品。
  24. Lapin Apparel Ltd. - Products development, sourcing, production planning & control, private label manufacturing, agency, custom clearance in fabric, apparel and home furnishing products.
  25. Yuk Tin Trading Company; 玉田貿易公司 - 自行設廠生產天然馬尾布(Natural Horse Tail Hair Fabric)和代理銷售各類動物原毛,皮料等,如: 豬鬃毛(Bristles),馬尾毛(Horse's Tail Hair),山羊毛(Goat's Hair),兔毛(Rabbit Leather)等。
  26. Guangdong United Progress Wooltex Hong Kong Office Ltd.(UPW) ; 廣東聯發毛紡織香港有限公司 - Products introduction, quality standard, news released and download area.
  27. Ming Hin Development International Ltd.; 明軒發展國際有限公司 - 包括: 纖維棉, 顏色棉, 洗水棉, 特羽棉, 黏棉夾布, 電腦間棉, 起骨間棉, 電腦機繡花, 鐳射切割, 打孔繡花, 新田島電腦繡花機總代理.
  28. Wongas Textiles Ltd.; 宏加士紡織有限公司 - Have production plants in both Northern & Southern Mainland China, producing ladies' fashion causal wear and export mainly to European markets. Our products, priced between medium to low level, aimed at various age group. Customers' own styles/designs submitted to us for development are most welcomed.
  29. Yuen Cheong Textile Co., Ltd.; 源昌布業有限公司 - 專營布料印花和染色,如帆布、斜紋布、棉布、T/C、尼龍等。
  30. 香港紡織網 - 生產及提供多款不同種類的紡織布.
  31. Nam Fai Woolen Spinning Fty. Ltd.; 南輝毛紡廠有限公司 - Specialized in manufacturing of exquisite woolen yarns. Provides stock services with over 4 hundred trendy colors.
  32. SunShing Int'l (Textile) Co., Ltd. - Yarn supplier, lambswool, angora, viscose rayon, cotton, cashmere, nylon, fancy yarn, etc.
  33. Sun Basic Company Ltd.; 日基貿易有限公司 - Manufacturer and trading for knitted products.
  34. Wing Cheung Hing Knitters; 永祥興織造 - Provides online buying platform for stockinette.
  35. Posand Dyeing & Printing (99) Ltd.; 保新印染(九九)有限公司 - In household fabric printing and dyeing, extra-wide width bedsheet printing & printing of upholstery and decorative fabric.
  36. 寶隆纖維有限公司 - 有布料、紡織品採購及進出口服務。
  37. Man Cheong piece goods co.; 萬昌呢絨行 - 高級進口西裝衣料批發. Wholesaler of luxurious suitings fabrics such as cashmere wool, worsted wool & wool blended suiting fabrics.
  38. Kam Hing Clothes Hong Ltd.; 錦興布行有限公司 - 經營紡織品,包括帆布、牛仔布、斜布、麻棉布。
  39. Kam Lung Silk Piece Co.; 錦龍絲綢疋頭公司 - 絲綢布料。
  40. Waihen Garment Factory; 偉軒製衣廠 - 生產針織或梭織時裝、恤衫、褲、外套、T恤等。
  41. Loo's Trading Company Ltd. - Supplies men's suiting fabrics and shirt fabries for tailors and uniform purpose.
  42. East Way Textiles Ltd.; 東進紡織有限公司 - 專營全棉、T/C、氨倫等針織成衣及布料生產。
  43. Suntex Piece Goods Co Ltd; 順發行有限公司 - 生產、出口、批發及分銷綿質布料、綿布原料及床上用品。
  44. Jesway Company Ltd.; 淖錡有限公司 - Provides cotton towels.
  45. 8 International Ltd.; 八國際有限公司 - Specializes in selling different patterns of fabrics, garment, houseware textile products, e.g. curtains, cushions, multi-use quilts, bedspreads, bed-sheets, pillow covers, sewing products, draperies. 銷售布料、成衣製品、家用紡織品,如窗飾品、窗簾、門簾、靠墊、軟墊、床上用品、寢裝品、多用被、床單、床罩、枕頭套、針縫製品及時尚服飾等。
  46. San Shing Piece Goods; 新城布行 - 批發及零售斜織布、府綢布、平織布、帆布、燈芯絨、彈力布、棉麻布、尼龍布、人棉布、印花布、印/織條子格仔布、毛布、牛仔布、學生布、提花布等。
  47. Hung Fung Ind. Co., Ltd.; 弘豐實業有限公司 - 生產製衣配料, 長纖短纖, 布料染色, 股繩及縫紉線。
  48. Sing Kee Knitted 勝記帶業有限公司 - 製造銷售普通織帶, 尼龍織帶, 電腦提花帶, 寬窄帶, 繩類及聚丙稀長絲。
  49. Advance Enterprises (HK) Ltd.; 嘉進企業(香港)有限公司 - Distributes 3M reflective materials and 3M thinsulate. Also manufactures reflective products including piping, safety vest, life jacket, trousers, harness, headwear, label. 批發針織、梳織布、牛津布、3M反光材料及3M保溫棉,並生產反光服裝、包邊、標貼。
  50. On Tai Kok Sing Textile Co Ltd.; 安泰國成紡織有限公司 - Produce denim fabric. 生產牛仔布料。
  51. Sun Kee Piece Goods; 新記樸布行 - Specialize in fusible and non fusible interlining, wooven and non wooven fabric. 專門銷售高品質紙樸及布樸。
  52. Che Foong Woollen Co., Ltd.; 致豐羊毛有限公司 - 生產兔毛羊毛、羊絨、粘膠、棉、絲等各種成份紗線。 Woollen, merino lambswool, angora softwool, worsted wool, machine washable wool, merino wool, nylon, worsted wool.
  53. Jan Nagi Texeiles Co Ltd.; 展毅布業公司 - 經銷針織布料和化纖。
  54. Tai Cheung Lung Industrial Ltd; 泰昌隆實業有限公司 - 印花, 全棉及T/C布匹。
  55. New K. Textile Co., Ltd. - Main products include woven and knitting fabrics which are made of cotton, viscose rayon, polyester/cotton, polyester/rayon, ramie, linen, synthetic, and so on. We also supply finishing fabrics such as yarn dyed, plain dyed, printed, etc. Besides, we supply cotton, rayon, polyester/rayon spun yarn and filament yarn.
  56. Wai Luen Piece Goods Company Ltd.; 偉聯疋頭公司 - 經營海虎毛裡之專門店,代理人造毛裡,包括短毛、長毛、珠粒毛、復合貼布、混毛、印花織花、拔染等。
  57. Flying Dragon Online; 飛龍行 - 產品包括特色卡、多龍織帶、人字棉織帶、絲絨帶、圓橡根、色丁絲帶等。
  58. Progress Textile Co. Ltd; 寶豐棉業 - 生產棉布, 彈力布, 印花布, 阿古力布, 金線布, 麻布, 過膠布。
  59. Progress Textile Co., Ltd.; 寶豐棉業有限公司 - Products includes cotton(twill, poplin, canvas), linen, printing, yarn dye, courdory.

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