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Organization-皮革組織 (1)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. nodi手袋專門店 - 專賣日本公事包、銀包、手袋皮革。
  2. Asia Pacific Leather Fair; 亞太區皮革展 - With the opening of the new extension of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Asia Pacific Leather Fair 98 will bring a world of excitment to exhibitors, buyers and the media at the world's largest leather fair.
  3. Hong Kong Fur Federation; 香港毛皮業協會 - 推廣毛皮業工業生產及皮草貿易發展,舉辦皮草展覽活動。
  4. Dah Hwa International (Holdings) Limited ; 大華國際(集團)有限公司 - 綜合皮革集團,業務包括皮革貿易、皮革加工、皮革產品之製造、零售及分銷。生產新款之加工皮革,皮革及非皮革手袋及配件。
  5. Hunters Leatherwares Ltd - Manufacturers, exporters and retailers of leather products.
  6. Lee Keung Leather Co. Ltd. - Leather belt manufacturer. 製造及生產結婚用皮帶、輕便裝皮帶、真皮皮帶、鎖匙包、銀包、背囊等皮革用品。
  7. Castello Leather Products Company Ltd. - Specializes in leather accessories made by Italian top grain leather. Products include brief cases, attach cases, travelling nags, PDA cases, wallets, purses, handbags, card/key holders, organizers and also small leather premium items with customers' designs & logos.
  8. Po Kai Leather Goods - leather manufacturer, expertise in making handbags, wallets, belts, briefcases, purses, organiser, rucksacks.
  9. Beauti-Fur Product; 藝妍皮草 - 生產及批發皮草、毛皮、浣熊、獺兔、灘羊皮毛及成衣。
  10. Monte Rosa Leather Goods Co. Ltd. - 設計及生產皮革製品,包括備忘錄封套、手袋、鎖匙包及銀包等。
  11. Europasia Mercantile Center; 環球貿易發展中心 - 專營各國皮草、各種用途皮革、意大利羊皮和皮碎等,且製造皮草服裝和各種皮具產品。
  12. Yick Fung Leatherware Fty. Ltd.; 益豐皮具製品廠有限公司
  13. Chi Shing Trading Co.; 志成貿易公司 - 銷售天然馬尾毛,馬毛皮和兔毛皮。
  14. Vintex Leather Products Co.; 偉迪士皮製品廠公司 - Manufacturer and exporter of leather products and industrial leather gloves.
  15. Fung Shing Leatherware co., Ltd.; 灃盛皮具有限公司 - Manufacturer and exporter in various kind of leather products including briefcase, computer bag, travelling bag, rucksack, fashion handbag, cosmetic bag, document folder, organizer, wallet, luggage tag, name card holder, passport holder, etc.
  16. Cheung Ping Products Factory Ltd.; 張平製品廠有限公司 - 專營各式各樣人造皮革及真皮皮具製品(錢包,公文袋,鎖匙包,記事簿,筆袋等)
  17. Stretch Leatherware Concept Ltd.; 思捷品質有限公司 - Manufactures leather goods, bags, wallet, leather bags, key-holder, shoes sets, luggage bags.
  18. Strong Company Ltd.; 瑞翔行有限公司 - 提供leather jackets、真皮時裝、皮革服裝、皮褸等度身訂做、設計及生產,零售及批發服務。 代理意大利品牌Mino(名龍)皮衣時裝產品系列。
  19. Strong Company Ltd.; 瑞翔行有限公司 - Leather jackets、真皮時裝、皮革服裝、皮褸等度身訂做、設計及生產,零售及批發服務。 代理意大利品牌Mino(名龍)皮衣時裝產品系列。
  20. Novelty Industrial Mfg. Co.; 佳樂貿易公司 - Manufactures feather products including Indian headdress, masks, trimming, flowers, Indian hatchets, angel wings and decorated feathers.
  21. Zelect; 仙曆 - Leather jackets、 真皮時裝、皮褸等度身訂做、設計及生產,零售及批發服務。
  22. Markham International Ltd. - Specializes in manufacturing and exporting leather handbags, wallets, and small leather goods in different kinds of material such as Ostrich skin, python leather, crocodile leather, shark skin and cow leather .
  23. Ying Chu Co; 英珠行 - 提供PU、PVC及二層皮產品,適用於手袋、銀包、鞋、玩具、成衣、傢私、包裝用品及文具等。
  24. WLH INTERNATIONAL LTD. Wlh International Ltd.; 景安皮業有限公司 - 進口及代理皮料及相關產品。
  25. New Top Western Leather Arts Design Company; 新西域皮藝設計公司 - 生產皮革產品,如手槍套、帆船模型及鎖匙扣。
  26. Tunenic Leather Ltd; 通力皮革有限公司 - 通力皮革的客戶來自世界各地, 而當中主要來自日本, 歐洲及北美等地區。至今己有20多年的皮革貿易經驗。
  27. Parafortune Fashion Company Ltd.; 怡富時裝有限公司 - 生產皮毛、皮草、皮褸、時裝服飾。

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