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for Ladies-女性內衣及睡衣@(14)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Kent Garment Ltd.; 建德製衣有限公司 - An underwear company with head office in Hong Kong and factories in China.
  2. Forward & Company - Manufacturer of underwear.
  3. Hanstar - Production items: Male & female knitted outer & under wear.
  4. Levina Group Ltd.; 中信洋行 - 專營內衣批發,出入口各式內衣褲、束衣等批發外銷;產品包括:內衣、胸罩、束衣、綿襪、絲襪、毛巾等。
  5. Chicks; 雞仔嘜 - 有天蠶衣, 羊毛內衣, 全棉線衫.
  6. Joris (International) Ltd. ; 香港寶捷國際有限公司 - 彈性織物廠 - Elastic fabric factory. 生產胸圍、內衣褲、腰封等內衣產品。
  7. Yan Sing Industries Co. - 直銷各款男女內衣, 情趣睡衣供網上選購, 斯文性感兼備. Provides many sleepwear and sexyunderwear.
  8. Lingerie's Shop; 內衣館 - 介紹女仕內衣, 胸圍, 內褲, 泳衣, 男仕內褲, 泳褲.
  9. 豐盛貿易 - 專營內衣製造、出囗及批發,包括時款胸圍、胸圍套裝、隱形胸圍、防走光褲、男裝底衫、學生襪、女裝內褲、男裝內褲等等。
  10. RedBra; 慧柏莎 - Focuses on lady's lingerie's design and functional lingerie's.
  11. Angel Chan - 生產內褲及內衣。
  12. Smart Gain Manufacturing Ltd.; 德智行 - Manufactures lingerie products.
  13. Ballux - Provide boxer, underwear, socks, brief, lounge wear.
  14. Sin Kiu Hing Co. Ltd.; 新僑興有限公司 - 百佳麗全棉專紡紗彈力內衣系列、百佳麗羊毛內衣、百佳麗男、女、小童、 中童內衣等。
  15. Mei Luen Garment Factory Ltd. - Manufactures lingerie ranging from functional brassieres(up to G cup), girdles to fashionable brassieres, briefs, tops, boxers, corselets, garter, and suspender belts.
  16. Pacific Site Ltd.; 洋滔公司 - 生產女裝、男裝以及童裝內衣褲為主。
  17. Murena Europe Lingerie(HK); Murena夢漣娜性感內衣(香港) - 代理Murena夢漣娜性感內衣。
  18. Jilian, Lingerie on Wyndham - A realm of sensual pleasure for the eye and body, Jilian Lingerie offer the morden women Europe's most glamorous lingerie, corsets, sleepwear, and swimwear collections.
  19. Richand Development Ltd.; 富漢發展有限公司 - Manufacturer and export of underwears, T-shirts, vests, boxers, tanga, retroshorts, bikinis, T-backs, G-stings, night gowns, pants.

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