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Sites for you ( §Ú­n¥[¤J Sites for You Àu¥ý±Æ§Ç ¤¤ ): ºô¯¸±Æ¦æ: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. AMPERIA Company; ´¼½å¤½¥q - ¨ÑÀ³«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¦Ü¦a²£µo®i°Ó¡A«Ø¿v®v¡A«Ç¤º³]­p®v¡A¶é¹Ò«Ø¿v®v¡A©Ó¥]°Ó¤Î¥Î®a. ©ó­»´ä¤Î¿Dªù¥«³õ¥N²z²£«~¥]¬AAD NOTAMÃè­±¹qµø; LOCKIS¼Ò¶ô²K¥[§Þ³NªùÂê; IMC¤é¥»¤ôIJ´C«ùÄò§Üµß¶î¼h; KOALA¤ÎFOUNDATIONSÀ¦¨à´«¤ù§É; HAWS¤ÎMURDOCK ¤á¥~¤Î«Ç¤º¶¼¤ô¾÷; JNF·tªù¸û; BRIZO¤ÎDELTA¼p©ÐÀsÀY; BESTCARE, MEDICLINICS, K¡¦NCOSA, GEISAR¤ÎBOBRICK½Ã¥Í¶¡°t¥ó.
  2. Yaleer Building Material Co., Ltd.; ¶®¼Öº¸«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¾T¶ì´_¦XªO¡A¾A¥Î©ó¤j·H¥~¤ºÀð¡B¼s§i©ÛµP¡B¼Ӥΰӳõ½·s¡B¤ÑªáªOµ¥¡C
  3. Adio; Ä_®Ô½Ã¯D - ¤ôÀsÀY¥Í²£°Ó¡A¨Ã´£¨Ñºû­×ªA°È¡C
  4. Official Website of Chino Stone Ltd. - Products include cast stone panel, bathtub, basin.
  5. «í¨³¤uµ{¦³­­¤½¥q - ¸gÀç°ªªÅ¤u§@¥x¡B¾T¬[¤Îª«®Æ¤É­°¥x¡C
  6. Radiolocation Ltd.; ; ¹p­}¦³­­¤½¥q - ¦a¤UºÞ綫±´´ú»ö(cable locator)¡B¦Û¨Ó¤ô¬dº|³]³Æ(leak detector)¡B¥ú³q«H¤Î¼Æ¦rŽ¨¸ôÀË´ú³]³Æ¡B¹qÆl¬G»Ù©w¦ì»ö¡B«D¶}«õ©w¦VÆp¶i¾É¦V¨t²Î¡BºÞ¹D¨¾»GÀË´ú¨t²Î¡BºÞ¹D²M¬~²¨³q³]³Æ¡BºÞ¹DÄá¹³¨t²Î¡B·Ñ®ðºÞ¹D±aÀ£·m­×³]³Æ¡C
  7. Soben International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.; ªQ¥»°ê»Ú(¨È¤Ó)¦³«ë­­¤½¥q - Joint venture manufacturer and exporter of calcium silicate boards, fibre cement boards and PVC boards. The functions of Soben board include fire resistance, moisture resistance, impact resistance.
  8. Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited; ¸U¶¶©÷¶°¹Î - building materials supplier
  9. Skilland Engineering Ltd.; ÃÀ¸s¤uµ{¦³­­¤½¥q - Offers metal structural building systems, custom skylights, and rooflight units, installation services. ¦ì©ó­»´ä¡A¨ÑÀ³ªö¥ú¸n¡B¤Ñµ¡¡B¿ûµ²ºc¥ó¡A¦w¸ËªA°È¡C
  10. Kai Lim Marble Engineering Co Ltd; ¨Î·G¶³¥Û¤uµ{¦³­­¤½¥q - Marble & granite supplier for the world-wide market. A manufacturer in Hong Kong & Mainland China equipped with Italian machinery.
  11. Green Island Cement (Holdings) Ltd.; «C¬w­^Ëô (¶°¹Î) ¦³­­¤½¥q - ªø¦¿°ò«Ø¥þ¸êªþÄݤ½¥q¡A¥Í²£¤ôªd¡B²V¾®¤gµ¥«Ø¿v¥Î®Æ¡C
  12. Bumatech Co. Ltd.; ¼Ð°¨¦³­­¤½¥q - Supplier for construction products, including Geosynthetic, drainage, waterproofing, anchor, crack control, FRP, cable management, tiles, and environmental protection, etc.
  13. King Sang (Far East) Ltd.; ´º¥Í»·ªF¦³­­¤½¥q - Cast stone travertine and sandstone manufacturer. Products include column, firepace, listellos, mirror, planter, stepping stone, tile.
  14. Architectural Precast GRC Ltd.; ·s¹w¨î¤uµ{¦³­­¤½¥q - The services include engineering design, manufactory and installation of Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete (GRC).
  15. Winkler Ltd.; ¥Ã¹Å¿Õ¦³­­¤½¥q - Italian manufacturer of sanitary taps, single lever faucets, thermostatic faucets and shower sets. ·N¤j§Q¥q¯À¤ôÀsÀYÁ`¥N²z¡C
  16. C. Crossfield & Co. Ltd.; °ª¥K¬v¦æ - provide construction equipment and post-sales services for contractors
  17. Eastern Gotech (Hong Kong) Ltd.; °ª­}«Ø§÷(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - Manufacturer and supplier of E-Mix premixed spray plaster, tile adhesive, self-levelling screed, non shrink grout and repair mortar. °®²V¼Q¼ß¤Î¤â§å¥Î§åÀú¡BºÏ¿jÂH¦X¾¯¡B¶ñÁ_¾¯¡B¦Û¬y¥­¦a¥x¤Î­×¸É²V¾®¤g§÷®Æ¥Í²£°Ó¤Î¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡C
  18. Freetech Technology Ltd. - Freetech is a dealer for various European and US engineering machineries and equipments.
  19. Score Building Materials Ltd.; °ª¥¦«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¦³­­¤½¥q
  20. Mosaics Color Building Materials Ltd.; ¥Ã¥Í«Ø§÷¦³­­¤½¥q - Information about construction materials.
  21. RealTech Ltd.; ¯u±o¦³­­¤½¥q - provide the following construction equipments: portable air compressor, industrial power tools, drilling tools, dynapac, paver, rollers.
  22. Yat Fat New Tech Ltd.; ¤éµo·s§Þ³N¦³­­¤½¥q - manufactured by Italian automated lines for the cutting and bending of steel Re-bars, waterproofing membranes, intercom and video-intercom systems, security doors and fire proof doors etc.. ¥N²z·N¤j§Q»s³yªº¥´¼Î¤Î¦a°ò³]³Æ¡B¨¾¤ô½¤¡B¹ïÁ¿¾÷¤Î³¬¸ô¹qµø¡B«O¦w©M¨¾¤õªùµ¥¡C
  23. Tat Ming Wallpaper Co. Ltd. - Offers wallcoverings and wallpaper for interior design firms.
  24. Wingkee Building Materials Supplier Ltd.; ºa°O«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¦³­­¤½¥q - building materials suppliers.
  25. Green Leaf Awning; ºñ½®±bÁO¤uµ{¤½¥q - ¥N²z¶i¤f±bÁO¡B²Õ¦X«Î¡C
  26. Marvel Harvest; ¸U¶©«¢¦ò¤h - suppliers and contractors for the building materials and systems: waterproofing, concrete repairs, floor coating & wall coating, ¨¾¤ô¨¾º|¡B²V¾®¤g­×Å@¡B¦a­±¶î®Æ¡BÀ𭱶î®Æ.
  27. Montelli Industries Ltd.; »X¯S§Q¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¼p©ÐÂiÃä©M¬P¬Ö¡C
  28. Formula Consultants Co.; ¬ì§ÞÅU°Ý¤½¥q - ¨¾¤ô, ¹j¼ö, ¨¾ù×, °£¥ÕÃÆ, ¯Ç¦Ìº£²£«~¤Î§Þ³N¡C
  29. StoneMasterEnterPage - ¸gÀç¸ËæC¥Û§÷¡Bªá¦¡½u±ø¡Cºë¤uÀJ¨è¦UÃþ¶³¥Û¡C
  30. Buildtech Enterprise Ltd.; «T·¸¥ø·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ¼w°êªº«Ø¿v¥Î¾÷¾¹¥Í²£°ÓPFTªº¥ë¦ñ¤½¥q¡A¥ç¬OPFT¦b­»´äªº¥N²z°Ó¡C ²£«~¥]¬A¦hºØ¤£¦P«¬¸¹ªº¼Q¼ß¾÷¡A¦pSilomat, G5, ZP3, N2v, Swing, HM24...
  31. Retco Mechanical Ltd.; ¤O°ª¾÷±ñ¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ«Ø¿v¾÷±ñªº²£«~¸ê°T¤©­»´ä¤Î¤¤°ê¦U¦aªºÅU«È¡A¨Ãªþ¥H²£«~¹Ï¤ù¥H§UÅU«È¿ï¾Ü¦X¾Aªº²£«~¡C
  32. Newise International Ltd. - Products include builders' hardware, closing device, handles, hinges, bathroom accessories.
  33. Nga Hung Machine Co Ltd.; ¶®¬x¾÷±ñ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¨ÑÀ³¤é¥»¶i¤f¤G¤â«õ±¸Éó¡C
  34. LianFengMei Stone (Hong Kong) Ltd.; Áp®p¬ü¥Û§÷(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - ¤j²z¥Û(¶³¥Û)Î`¦XªO, ³qÅé¿j©MÁ¡ªO¨ÑÀ³°Ó,¥i¥H®Ú¾Ú«È¤áªº­n¨D, µô³y¤£¦P¤Ø¤oªº¥ÛªO. Natural marble, natural marble composite tiles provider.
  35. Burlite Ltd. - Burlite - natural stone, a very durable building materials. Suitable for use in extreme climatic conditions, burlite has remarkable weathering qualities both in clean and dirty environments.
  36. G.T.Building; ª÷¹F«Ø¿v§÷®Æ - Provides construction materials and lighting fixture.
  37. Dorfield Ltd.; ¦P¥Í¤ì·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ¶R½æÀô«O«Ø¿vªO¡B¬ü¥[§ü¤ì¡BªQ¤ì¡B§¨ªO¡B½¦¦XªO¡B²V¾®¤g¼ÒªO§÷®Æ¡A³]¦³¦^¦¬¤ì§÷ªA°È¡C
  38. Kinetics Vibration Isolators; Kinetics Á×¾_¼u®(¼u¤}) - ¾¸­µ±±¨î¤Î¨¾ªv¤uµ{¡A²£«~¥]¬AKineticsÁ×®¶¼u®¡B³q­·¥Î®øÁn¾¹¡B®øÁn¦Ê¸­µ¡¡B¹jÁnªù¡B¹jÁnªO¡B¹jÁn«Ì»Ù¡B²Õ¦X¦¡¹jÁn¸n¡B´úÅ¥«Ç¡B¹jÁn¯B°Ê¦aªO¡B§lÁn§÷®Æµ¥¡C
  39. Justin Material Supplies & Tranding Company Ltd. - Provides electrical power products.
  40. Kwok Chi Construction Materials Ltd.; °ê¿K«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¬°¦h­Ó¬F©²¤Î¨p¤Hµo®i°Ó¡B©Ó¿ì°Óªº«Ø³]´£¨Ñ«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¡C
  41. Almond Web Warehouse; ¶®¤å®a©~ºô­Ü - ´£¨Ñ®a©~«Ø¿vª«§÷®Æ¡A¨Ñºô¤W¬d¸ß¡C
  42. Construction Material Specialist (Asia) Co., Ltd.(CMSA); ®É´I«Ø§÷¦³­­¤½¥q - Provides construction materials in civil and building projects. ´£¨Ñ«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¡A¥D­n¥Î©ó¤g¤ì¤uµ{¡B¼Ó©Ð¤Î¶éªL«Ø³]¡C
  43. Fineton Development Ltd.; ¹Å®Êµo®i¦³­­¤½¥q - ¸gÀç¬Á¼þ¯Å¥Û­^¬â, ¹q¤u¶ñ®Æ¯Å¥Û­^¯», ű³y¥Î¥ÍÅK¤Î»ÌÅK¡C
  44. K Y Trading Co Ltd. - Sole Distributor; «Ø·~°ó¦³­­¤½¥q-¨È¤Ó°ÏÁ`¥N²z - ¥N²z¨¾¤ôÅ@Àð¡BµõÁ_­×¸É²£«~¡C
  45. S&B Enterprises Asia Ltd.; ¤O¤Ñ¥ø·~¨È¬w¦³­­¤½¥q - To provide under floor warming system, mirror demisters, electric towel rails and ceiling heaters. ¨ÑÀ³¦a¥xµo¼ö¨t²Î¡B¨¾ÁøÃè¶K¡B¹q·x¤ò¤y¬[¤Î¤Ñªá·x­·µ¥.
  46. Kirastone; ©_¼Ö¥k - »s³yªO§÷¡B³Ã¨ã¡B¤uÃÀ¡B¥ßÅé¤Î¥­­±¨î«~µ¥¡A¾A¦X«Ç¤º³]­p¤uµ{¡B«Ø§÷¡B¿O¹¢¸Ë¹¢¤uµ{¡B©ÛµP³]­p¡C
  47. Sun Cheong Marble Works Co. Ltd.; ·s©÷¶³¥Û¤uµ{¦³­­¤½¥q - ©Ó±µ¶³¥Û¤uµ{¤Î¾P°â·~°È¡C
  48. Gt Building Fibre Cement Board Superflex; ¤ôªdÅÖºûªO - Products include fibre cement board, ceiling, smooth surfaced, permanent patterned, asbestor-free, superflex, flexabord, vistabord, forra, tika.

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