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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Chun Hing Technology Co., Ltd. - 主要生產及代理立體揚聲器及咪高風等產品。
  2. Heroes Sound Equipment Co. Ltd. - Manufacturer of loudspeaker, pro speaker, horn and other audio equipment including mixer, amplifier, microphone, professional audio equipment and home theatre system.
  3. Plastoform - 主要生產及代理揚聲器 、光碟儲存座等產品。
  4. CAWA Industrial Co., Ltd. - 主要製造立體揚聲器。
  5. Chong Ngai Electronics Co., Ltd. - 主要製造立體揚聲器、混音揚聲器、清洗磁頭光碟、無線耳筒及咪高風。
  6. Wai Ming Hong; 惠明行 - Products include subwoofers, 2 channel audio speakers, 2.1 Hi-Fi speakers, 4.1 active woofer systems, and 5.1 home theaters.
  7. Danspeak Audio (International) Co., Ltd. - Products include loudspeakers, AV/Hi-Fi amplifiers, 5.1 channel home theatre systems, CD/DVD players, active/multimedia speakers.

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