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  1. ChungKin Development; 中建發展有限公司 - 開發電子產品。
  2. Widegerm Company Ltd.; 匯湛有限公司 - Reflectors and downlight manufacturer in China.
  3. MIB Instruments Co. Ltd. - Products include digital inclinometer, measurement tools, product design and development, electronic MEMS leveler, laser leveling, digital protractor.
  4. Foo King Enterpriese Ltd. - Manufactures thermoelectric cooler and warmer (mini fridge, portable fridge, beverage cooler, mini cooler, car cooler), PC/multimedia speaker & subwoofer system, hair curler and electric & battery powered toothbrush, etc..
  5. Sanwell Industries Ltd. - 生產小型家電。
  6. jWIN Electronics Corporation - 製造各類有線室內電話、來電顯示系統、耳筒、手提CD唱機、手提收音連錄音機、立體揚聲器、咪高風及火牛等。
  7. Beverley Industrial Co. - manufactures small electrical tools and accessories, specialising in mini hand drill, pocket light, body care products etc.
  8. Win Dynasty Development Ltd. - Electric appliances manufacturer. 生產電風扇、暖爐、焗爐、光管燈泡、滅蟑螂器、電蚊拍、吸塵機、雪櫃、烘麵包機等電器產品。
  9. Toshiba Hong Kong Ltd.; 東芝香港有限公司 - 生產彩色電視機、投影電視機、VCD影碟機、DVD影碟機、錄影機、數碼相機、LCD投影機、抽濕機、電風扇、電熱水瓶、電熨斗、微波爐、洗衣機及電池等電器產品。
  10. Xceltech (China) Industrial Enterprises - 生產及代理製咖啡機、電熨斗、冷氣機、三文冶製機、微波爐、焗爐、榨汁機、燒烤用具、多士爐、錄音機、錄影機、收音機、電筒、揚聲器、照相機、攪拌機等家庭電器產品。
  11. Casil Electronic Products Ltd.; 航天科技電子製品有限公司 - Manufacturer and exporter of color television sets, DVD players, video phones. 生產銷售彩色電視機. DVD影碟機, 視像電話等.
  12. David Console Shop - manufactures a range of goods including security products, personal data assistants, electronic toys and games, electronic learning aids, car audio, telecommunication products, and personal computers.
  13. Anex International Holdings Ltd.; 安歷士國際 - a manufacturer of household electrical appliances, auto accessories, health care products, fluorescent products and security alarms. The Group presently manufactures over 200 models of electrical appliances including toasters, coffee makers, blenders/choppers, hand mixers, electric irons, electric knives, water boilers, hair dryers and vacuum cleaners. Major markets include Western Europe, Asia, South America, North America and Eastern Europe.
  14. Chiaphua Group; 捷和有限公司 - 生產及出口家庭電器用品、個人護理用品、通訊器材產品、摩打及美亞廚具用品。
  15. PRT Manufacturing Ltd. - 生產及批發一般電器、遊戲及玩具等產品。
  16. Trade Air System Ltd. - Electrical appliances manufacturer. 生產及代理庭地風扇、掛牆扇、天花板吊扇、家用電暖爐等家電產品。
  17. Silver Right Development Ltd. - 生產製咖啡器、焗爐、製三文冶機、電風筒、燒烤用品等電器產品。
  18. Amrex (Hong Kong) Ltd. - Home appliances manufacturer. 生產家用電器,產品包括電風扇、發熱器、電飯煲、電熨斗、攪拌機及製咖啡機。
  19. Hon Way Plastic & Metal Mfg Co Ltd.; 漢威塑膠五金製品有限公司 - Home appliance manufacturer. 生產焗爐、電熱水壺、多士爐等家電產品。
  20. John Manufacturing Ltd. - A manufacturer of plastic, metal, electronic and electrical products, including radio lantern, multi-purpose fluorescent lantern, security alarm, vacuum cleaner, automobile utilities, table lamp etc.
  21. Roger Electronic Products Co., Ltd - manufactures insect bug killer, counterfeit money detector, electronic mosquito repeller, moth repeller, night light, natural sound machine and bird feeder etc..
  22. Amsua Group - 生產及代理音響唱機、電風扇、錄影機、書包、單車配件、雨傘、文具玩具等。
  23. Sincere International Trading Co Ltd. - Electric appliance manufacturer. 生產及代理焗爐、多士爐、電暖爐等家庭產品。
  24. Wing Sang Bakelite Electrical Manufactory Ltd. - 生產及出口各類頭髮護理器具、電水壺及咖啡壺、電筒。
  25. Clipsal Bowden Industries Ltd.; 奇勝電器 - products are used in prestigeous commercial, residential and hotel buildings throughout the region.
  26. Prestige Associates Inc. - Home appliances manufacturer. 生產電熨斗、製咖啡機、咖啡瓶、雨傘、電風筒、收音機、碎肉機、空氣清新機等產品。
  27. Shun Wo (HK) Enterprise Development - Exporter & manufacturer of electronics products.
  28. Kingfit Industries Ltd.; 堅發實業有限公司 - Manufactures battery operated road racing sets, bullet train sets,classical train sets, heating elements & slide switches for household electrical products.
  29. View Deluxe Company Ltd. - 家庭電器生產商,主要產品包括電熨斗、剃髮器、電子煎鍋及電水壺。
  30. Home Appliances Online - 生產及代理庭地風扇、掛牆扇、天花板吊扇、吸塵機、家用電暖爐、微波爐、照明光管、焗爐等家庭電器產品。
  31. Simatelex Manufactory Company Ltd. - 生產電飯煲、烘麵包機、電熨斗、 電風筒、電暖爐、空氣清新機等電器產品。
  32. Ausbon Industrial Ltd - 生產及代工生產計算機及時鐘。
  33. VIC Industrial Products Ltd. - 生產手提雪櫃、按摩椅、電風扇、過膠器材、碎紙機等產品。
  34. Loyal Technology Co. Ltd. - 生產及代理單向對講機、雙向對講機、趣緻收音機及耳筒等器產品。
  35. Shubh International - Home appliances manufacturer. 生產及代理收音機、卡式錄音機、收音錄音機、揚聲器、磁碟機清潔劑、光碟架、電水煲、三文治機及製爆谷機等產品。
  36. Conoilic - 從事製造攝影機、望遠鏡、音響器材等電器。
  37. Harvest Way Ltd - Manufactures memo recorders, clocks, sports timers, calculators and radios etc..
  38. High Technology Manufacturing Ltd - Manufacturers on electronic insect killer.
  39. Firmstar Ltd. - 生產及代理電風扇、焗爐、電飯煲、抽氣扇、冷氣機、電風筒、健康護理產品等家庭電器。
  40. Pacific Ultraweb Industries Ltd. - Electronic insect killer manufacturer.
  41. Glory Electrical Manufacturing (H.K.) Company Ltd. - 生產掛牆風扇、天花板吊扇、電暖爐、座地風扇等。
  42. Zippy's Spas Ltd. - 製造及出口家庭電子工具,包括剃髮器、腳部按摩機、電子門牌、霓虹照明器等。
  43. TCL Communication (Int'l) Ltd. - Manufacturer of single line phone, multi-feature phone, digital telephone answering machine, cordless phones and caller ID telephone
  44. Asko Industrial Ltd.; 毅高實業有限公司 - Exporter and manufacturer of electrical products including hair care products, lights, alarm, switches, etc..
  45. Raymond Industrial Ltd.; 利民實業有限公司 - 生產小家電、捲煙紙等。
  46. Smart Technologies and Investment Ltd. - Provides RF transmitter/receiver based products, power supplies, home and personal security items etc..
  47. Wai Shing Industrial (HK) Ltd.; 偉成實業(香港)有限公司 - produces electrical metalware; blender, houseware, knife, 攪拌刀, 家庭電器.
  48. Forshiba Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 豐芝電子有限公司 - Specializes in manufacturing and selling PS, PS2, PS3, XBox, XBox360, Wii, PSP, NDS, GBM game accessories. Also produces PC accessories and digital products.
  49. Izumi Hong Kong Ltd.; 泉香港有限公司 - 代理IZUMI品牌家庭小電器和油壓工具。
  50. New Leaf (H.K.) Ltd. - 製造電子廚房產品。
  51. Dickson Industrial Co., Ltd.; 熾達實業有限公司 - Electrical manufacturers and suppliers specialized in the production of personal care, health care and small kitchen appliances.
  52. 岩崎電氣(香港)有限公司 - 研製及供應燈泡、燈具及鎮流器。
  53. DMD Holdings Ltd. - Specialized in designing and manufacturing consumer electronic products including HF(High Frequency) transmission consumer products and telecommunication products.
  54. Dragon Display Technology - Products include LCD panel, LCD module(LCM).
  55. Suprema International Ltd.; 尚品國際有限公司 - Products include mini-cool humidifier, aroma humidifier, aroma mistifier, ultrasonic cleaner, electronic deodorizer, mini USB humidifier, signal gate(toddler care), bathing thermometer, etc..
  56. Pearland Fareast Ltd.; 香港寶域遠東有限公司 - Manufactures and exports home electrical appliance such as steam cleaner, steam press, steam iron, air purifier, stainless steel toaster, kettle, coffee maker, convenction oven, fridge, inductin cooker.
  57. Wai Wah Commercial Development Ltd.; 偉華商品拓展有限公司 - 設計、生產及供應家庭小電器產品,其中包括電磁爐、電水煲、咖啡壼、飯煲、涼風機、豆漿機及縫紉機等。
  58. Asoutek Hong Kong Company Ltd.; 香港鉅兆 - 提供廚房電熱設備,研發商用電磁爐技術及電熱廚具。
  59. ASJ Industries Company; 安迪佳實業公司 - Designs, develops, merchandises and exports electronic products including mini TV & DVD players, radio and clocks, pedometers, databank with radio, computer peripherals.
  60. Ho King Int'l Industrial (HK) Ltd. - Manufacturer in the field of electrical appliance.

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