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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Universal Electrical Lamps Company; 環球電器燈飾 - 銷售LCD TV、HDTV、雪櫃、冷氣、洗衣機、抽濕機、煮食爐及水晶燈飾。
  2. i-xtyle - 專營數碼產品的公司, 主要設計, 研發及生產數碼相架, 數碼相框, Digital Photo Frame, Digital Picture Frame, speaker, MP3..
  3. Kwun Wah International Ltd.; 冠華國際發展有限公司 - 生產即熱式電熱水器及自淨化飲水機.
  4. Himage Electrical Appliance (H.K.) Ltd; 畫佳電子(香港)有限公司 - focused in remote control, hyper band TV tuner, RF modulator and channel receiver products. Today, we expand our product ranges to indoor or outdoor LED display board, Lighting colour scroller and OEMs of TV internet box, telephone station main board and pagers SMT assembly.
  5. Rickson Engineering Ltd.; 利信機電有限公司 - Manufacturer of low voltage switchboard, motor control center, local motor control centre, MCCB/MCB distribution board...
  6. Specialthing International Co., Ltd.; 競輝企業有限公司 - Specializes in manufacturing radios related products.
  7. DB Tech Services - Electrical & electronic sourcing agent in Asia.
  8. Fair-Rack Electrical Asia (HK) Ltd. - Service provider and manufactuer in the field of C.V. switchboard, motor control centre & panel, electrical installation and mainterarse.
  9. Wing Kai Fung Ltd

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