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Circuit Boards

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  1. Standard Printed Circuit Board Ltd. - Offers a line of PCBs from double sided, multi layers; aluminium base pcb.
  2. 至卓飛高線路板(香港)有限公司 - 生產二至十四層線路板。
  3. ReMapp International Corp. - 生產電路板。
  4. Whitways Enterprises - PCB assembly manufacturer.
  5. Fels Ltd. - Provides copper clad laminates and security CCTV products.
  6. Popbridge Industrial Ltd. - 生產電路板、火牛及電源設備等產品。
  7. Hong Yuen Electronics Ltd. - Specializes in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards for chip on board and surface mount technology applications.
  8. Evergreen PCB Factory Ltd - manufaucture and sell single and double side printed circuit boards as well as multilayer boards.
  9. Oriental Printed Circuits Limited - manufacturer of high density double-sided & 4-18 multilayer printed circuit boards
  10. Nam Hing Circuit Board Company Ltd.; 南興電路板有限公司 - P.C.B. product lines includes single-side, double-side, and multilayer.
  11. Wai Tat PC Board Co. - Produces printed circuit boards for a variety of consumer electronics, home appliances, computer peripherals, educational toys, audio equipment and automotive components.
  12. Caven Circuits Ltd.; 嘉宏電路有限公司 - PCBs 電路板生產商。
  13. FinePoint Circuits System(Hong Kong) Ltd.; 快邦電路系統(香港)有限公司 - 有激光繪圖機、柯達菲林、感光油墨及Cad/Cam軟件。
  14. AutoProcess (Far East) Company Ltd.; 奧圖自動系統(遠東)有限公司 - Products include PCB repairing equipments and automatic plating equipments and ancillaries.
  15. 班信實業有限公司 - 生產電路板。
  16. HT Circuits Ltd.; 永捷電路版有限公司 - 從事印刷線路板生產。
  17. Circuitrax Company Ltd.; 康嘉電子有限公司 - Provides support in both PCB design, quickturn PCB samples, and components mounting.
  18. The Core System (H.K.) Ltd.; 高雅仕發展有限公司 - A PCB service provider company in Hong Kong. We have PCB manufacture and outsourcing experience.
  19. Muiti Circuit Board Company Ltd.; 貿泰電路板有限公司 - 生產電路版,包括單面版、雙面版、多層線路板。Manufactures single-side, double-side and multilayer PCB.
  20. PCB Company Ltd.; 匯業線路板有限公司 - 生產線路板。
  21. FM-TRUE Electronics (HK) Ltd.; 博敏電子(香港)有限公司 - 中小批量線路板制造、中小批量電子元件裝配等。 PCB & PCBA.
  22. Newsmart International Ltd.; 卓新國際有限公司 - Supplies single-sided ,double-sided and multilayer PCB, flexible PCB, flex-rigid PCB, PWB, EMS. Other services include OEM, circuits assembly, components and parts sourcing.
  23. 萬利行電路板電子製作中心 - 有電路佈線、電路板焊錫加工、機箱、電子元件和萬用板。
  24. Hang Hing Laminates Ltd.; 恆興積層版有限公司 - 生產覆銅板,包括XPC、FR1、CEM-1、22F及FR4。已通過ISO9001-2000質量體系認證,ISO14001-2000環境體系認證,OHSAS18001職業安全衛生管理體系認證。
  25. C&M Engineering Company - 經營設計控制系統,有電子線路設計及維修服務。
  26. EU-Plus Co. - PCB生產商,供應Promex筆型電鍍器材。
  27. Cheong Wah PCB Works Ltd.; 昌華電路版廠有限公司 - 專門生產電路版, 包括單面版、雙面版、鍍金、噴錫及貫炭油等。 Specialize in manufacturing printed circuit board(P.C.B.) including Single Layer, Double Layer, Single Plated Nickel, Gold and Silver Plated , Single Inductive Carbon, etc.

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