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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Chi Shing Electronics Coils Ltd.; 志成電子線圈有限公司 - R & D, manufacturing and export of various types of coils, alarm coils, Ant. coils, transfomer, peaking coils, choker coils etc.
  2. Coils Electronic Co. Ltd.; 高雅線圈製品有限公司 - Manufacture of coils and passive components with online buying. 線圈及電子零件製造商, 可線上購買.
  3. Climax Industrial Co Ltd.; 金峰實業有限公司 - Produces and distributes coils for EL watches, alarm watches, electronic games, calculators and other applications.
  4. Thai Lin Radio Coil Mfy., Ltd.; 泰林線圈製造廠有限公司 - 提供變壓器、濾波器、電感器、電流變送器及扼流線圈等。
  5. Toho Electronic Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; 東寶電子製造廠有限公司 - Specializing in the manufacturing of electronic components, including transformers, oscillation coils, choke coils, moulding coils and fixed inductor. Coils manufacturing specialist. 專門生產各類線圈.
  6. CEC International Holdings Ltd.; CEC國際控股有限公司 - 以線圈, 磁性材料生產為主.
  7. Tinmex Industrial Company - main products include choke coils, alarm watch coils, EL watch coils and buzzers. We have a monthly capacity of 2000K for choke coils, 2000K for alarm watch coils and EL watch coils and 2500K for buzzers.
  8. Top-View Coils Products Co., Ltd.; 景泰線圈製品有限公司 - Products include IFTs, choke coils and toroidal coils. 是一家專門生產各種電感線圈之公司,主要產品包括: 色碼電感器, 扼流線圈, 射頻線圈, 可調電感器, 磁環線圈, 電子變壓器等。

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