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Sites for you ( §Ú­n¥[¤J Sites for You Àu¥ý±Æ§Ç ¤¤): ºô¯¸±Æ¦æ: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. JieTe Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd; ªN¯S¬ì§Þ(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - ¾P°â²£«~¦³¥b¾ÉÅé¡B¶°¦¨¹q¸ô¡B¤G·¥ºÞ¡B¤T·¥ºÞ¡B¹qªý¡B¹q®eµ¥¹q¤l¤¸¥ó¡CSells products include semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors and other electronic components.
  2. CDM; ¶×¤t°ê»Ú¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥N²z­ì¼t³Q°Ê¹s¥ó¡C
  3. Cachtec Technology Co.,Ltd.; ·¢øʬì§ÞªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q - ³]­p¤Î»s³yºÏ®·PÀ³¾¹¡B¥N²z©ñ¹qºÞ¬ðªi«OÅ@¾¹¡BºÏ®¶}Ãö¡BºÏ®Ä~¹q¾¹¡B³Á§J­·µ¥¡C
  4. Schunk General Carbon Ltd.; ±R¼w³q¥Î¹qºÒ¦³­­¤½¥q - Provides electrical application, high temperature application, mechanical application, mass transit technology, EDM, parts of elevator, escalator, air compressor.
  5. Semitec (H.K.) Co., Limited; ·PÀ³¹q¤l¦³­­¤½¥q - NTC¼ö±Ó¹qªý¶}µo¤Î¥Í²£¥ø·~¡C¥H³³²¡¤uÃÀ§Þ³N©M¥b¾ÉÅé§Þ³N¬°°ò¦¡A¶}µo¥Í²£¼ö±Ó¹qªý¡C
  6. Kouhi Technology (HK) Ltd.; ±d¤é¬ì§Þ - manufacturing numeric LED, light bars, dot-matrix (RGB), LED clusters (RGB), SMD lamps, LED lamps, ultra bright products.
  7. Avant Technologies Ltd.; ¬Õ¥ú¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - Products include ingan die, LED lamp, SMD LED lead frame, LED lamp lead frame, high power LED, LED light engine.
  8. Lucky Light Electronic (H.K.) Co., Ltd.; ¨Î¥ú¹q¤l¦³­­¤½¥q - Products include LED lamps, SMD, displays, dot matrix, light bar, infrared devices.
  9. Hang Chang Industrial Company; ùÚ©÷¹ê·~¤½¥q - ²£«~¥]¬A¥b¾ÉÅé¡B¤G·¥ºÞ¡B·Lªi¾¹¥ó¡B´¡ÀY¡B´¡®yµ¥¡C
  10. Rainbow Product Development Co.; ±m­i»s«~µo®i¤½¥q - Products include cable assemblies, connector, IDC, flat cable. ´£¨Ñ¹q½u¡B½u§÷¥[¤u¡B³s±µ¾¹¡B¹q¸Ü¡B¹q¦À½u§÷µ¥¡C
  11. China Wider Electronics Ltd.; µØ¤§³Ç¹q¤l¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ½u¸ôª©¥[¤u©M­ì³Ð³]³Æ¥Í²£ªA°È¡A¥]¬A¼Ò¶ô¦¡¶K¤ù¤Î¤H¤â´¡¥ó¡B²Õ¸Ë¡C
  12. Hang Tat Technology Enterprise Ltd.; ùÚ¹F¬ì§Þ¥ø·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ·~°È¥]¬A¹q¤l¹s¥ó¥X¤J¤f¤Îª±¨ã²Õ¸Ë¡C
  13. Denetron Int'l Ltd.; ±o§Q³Ð°ê»Ú¦³­­¤½¥q - ²£«~¥]¬A³s±µ¾¹¡B¼ö±Ó¹qªý¡B¹q¬y¹LÂo¾¹¡B´¹Åé¾ã¬y¾¹¡Bª÷Äݹs¥ó¡B´²¼ö¾¹¡B¹q½u¡B½u圏¡BEMC´ú¸Õ»ö¾¹µ¥¡C
  14. Co-Tronic Enterprise (HK) Company Ltd.; ¸s¤O¥ø·~(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - Manufactures inductive and acoustic components, including earphone, inductor, coil, speaker, transformer. ¥Í²£¹q·P¡BÅÜÀ£¾¹¤Î¹qÁn¤¸¥ó¡A¨Ò¦p¹q·P½u°é¡BMP3/MP4¦Õ¾÷¡B¹qÁn¤¸¥ó¡B¤é¥»ªF¨Ê¯S®í¹q¤u¦ÛÂH»É½uµ¥¡C
  15. Win's Enterprise Ltd.; ­P³Ó¦æ¶T©ö¦³­­¤½¥q - Electronic components products distributor in HK market.
  16. SEPL - Simmons Electronic Products Ltd.; ´ËÄ_¹q¤l²£«~¦³­­¤½¥q
  17. Kenon Digital Lighting Control - professional LED architectural lightings, control systems, customized LED luminaries and specialty lighting products.
  18. ­»´ä¼wêP¹q·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¡B¾P°â¹q¦ì¾¹.Á¡½¤¹q®e¾¹¤Î¹q®e¾¹¡C
  19. Artland Technology Ltd.; ÃÀ¬ì(¼Ú¨È)¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥N²z¶}Ãö¡B¹qªý¡B¹q¦ì¾¹¡B·PÀ³¾¹¡B¹q·»¡B¹q·P¡B¹qºÏ°õ¦æ¾¹¡BºÝ¤l¾¹¡B¹qÆlµ¥¡C
  20. Hentech Technologies Ltd.; «í¹F¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥N²z¹q¤l¹s¥ó¡C
  21. SEM-Group Talents Ltd; ªF«nµØ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£SEM BS1362, ²£«~¤wÀòBSI, ASTA, NEMKO, HKSI, CCC, RoHS«Oµý.
  22. MCU Power Ltd.; ¨Ó«ä¶Ô¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥HMobicon«~µP±q¨Æ¹q¤l¤¸¥ó¡B¦Û°Ê¤Æ²Õ¥ó©M»ö¾¹¤À¾P·~°È¤Î¹q¸£¬ÛÃö·~°È¡A·í¤¤¥]¬A¥HVideoCom¬°¹s°â«~µPªº¹q¸£²£«~¤Î°t¥ó¹s°â·~°È¡C
  23. Sumwin Technology (H.K.) Co., Ltd.; ´Ë°¶¬ì§Þ(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥N²z¤é¥»ªÛ®úShibaura¼ö±Ó¹qªý¡A¥t¸g¾P¨ä¥LÃþ«¬thermistor¡Bcrystal and saw components¡BPPTC thermistor¡Bvaristor¤ÎLCDµ¥³Q°Ê¤¸¥ó¡C
  24. Me Sing Electronic Co.; ¬üÁn¹q¤l¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¤u·~¥Î¼Ò²Õ¡A¥]¬A¹FÆF¹y¡B³õ®ÄÀ³¡BI¡BG¡BB¡BT³æ¦V¥i±±ª¿¡B¹q´¹Åéµ¥¡C
  25. Flip Chip - Low cost flip chip techology. Electroless nickel plating, stencil printing, lead and lead-free solder bumping, redistribution, BCB, electroplating copper and solder, bonding and underfill.
  26. Chy-Tech (H.K.) Industrial Co.,Ltd. - Products include AC inlet, AC socket, rocker switch, push switch, tact, slide.
  27. Asia Motion Inc.; ÀöÂE¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¹qªý¡B¹q®e¡B¹q·P¡BÅÜÀ£¾¹¡B³s±µ¾¹¡BPCB¡B³Q°Ê¹s¥óµ¥¶T©ö°Ó¡C
  28. Billiontech Electronics Ltd.; ®Ê»õ¹q¤l¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¤Î¾P°âª½¬y(DC)­·®°¡B¥æ¬y(AC)­·®°¡B¹q®e¾¹¡B¶}Ãö¨îµ¥¹q¤l¹s¥ó¡C
  29. Lead Profit Ltd.; ÒY¹F¦³­­¤½¥q - Specialize in manufacturing of electrical equipments for accommodation, villas, high-grade hotels and restaurants. ¥Í²£¹q¾¹²£«~¤Î¹q¤u²£«~ªº¼t®a¡C¨ä¤¤±M¬°°ª¯Å°Ó¦í¼Ó¡A§O¹Ö¡A¤­¬P¯Å°s©±¡A»«À]°t®M°ª¯Å¹q¤l²£«~¡C
  30. DV Power Ltd.; ¬Õ¨Î¨Ó¤u·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥N²z¹q¤l¹s¥ó¡BLED·Ó©ú¨t²Î¤è®×¡BµL¨ê­·®°¡BÄ~¹q¾¹¡B·Å«×«OÀIµ·¡B¹q·½Âà´«¾¹¡Bªø®ÄÀ³ºÞ¤Î¯ß¼e½Õ»sICµ¥²£«~¡C
  31. You Eal(H.K.) Ltd.; °ß¤@¹q¤l¦³­­¤½¥q - ²£«~¥]¬A¤â´£¹q¸Ü«öÁä¡BÖº/ª¿½¦«öÁä¡B¾ó½¦¹Ô°é/°t¥ó¡B¾É¹qª¿½¦³s±µ±ø¡B»È¾É¹q³s±µ±ø¡Bª÷Äݽu´³°¨±ø¡Bª¿½¦¤âÀô¡B³Á§J­·®M¡B¾É¹q±øµ¥¡C
  32. Solid Power Enterprises Ltd. - The exclusive distributor of sensors for HVAC, heating, ventilation, air condition, cooling of NTC thermistor, humidity sensor, gas sensor and other sensors.
  33. Katri; ¥[¦h§Q - Products include LCD modules, LCD panels, NTC thermistors, NTC thermistor assemblies, thermal fuses/cutoffs, die-castings, sintered parts, digital thermometer, count down timer modules, humidity sensors, PTCR circuit protectors, AC motors(shaded-pole motors), PTC heating elements & PTC assemblies, silicon rubber insulating sheets and tubes & bushings, heat seal connectors, SMD NTC thermistor, CDS, ceramic(procelain) lampholders, signal clocks or mechanical timers, AC switches, radio controlled clock generator.
  34. Profit Net International Ltd.; ¶P¬Õ°ê»Ú¦³­­¤½¥q - Specializes in import and export electronic components including ceramic capacitor, tantalum capacitor, electrolytic capacitor, film capacitor, SMD multilayer ceramic capacitor, resistor, LED, transistor, varistor, thermistor, CDS photoresistor, diode, rectifier, condenser microphone, integrated circuit.

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