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Measurement Equipment

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Sites for you ( §Ú­n¥[¤J Sites for You Àu¥ý±Æ§Ç ¤¤): ºô¯¸±Æ¦æ: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Centalic Technology Development Ltd.; ¥ý±o§Q¬ì§Þµo®i¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£PCB´ú¸Õ²£«~¡B´ú¸Õ¾÷¡B´ú¸Õ°w¤Î¤p¤­ª÷²£«~¡C
  2. Ezu Rentals Ltd.; »ö¯²¦³­­¤½¥q - Provides test and measuring instruments rental services, calibration, lab rental, sales & remarketing and rent-to-own services.
  3. Miko-Kings Instruments Ltd.; ¤O°ª»ö¾¹¦³­­¤½¥q - ´ú¶q»ö¾¹¤À¾P°Ó¡B¥N²z¤Î½æ®a¡A«~µP¥]¬A©¥±T¡B¦w±¶­Û¡B¶§¥ú¡B©T½n¡Bª÷°T¡Bª÷¶i¡BABM¡BAmrel¡BAstro¡BNex1¡BXitronµ¥¡C
  4. Prosper Source Ltd. - Supplies electornic temperature controller, temperature controller, microcomputer temperature controller, thermomenter, digital thermometer, cooking thermometer.
  5. Uni-Trend Electronics Ltd. - Producing multimeter, clamp meter, panel meter, other testing meter etc.
  6. Troneer Eletronics Engineering (HK) Ltd.; ³Ð·N¹q¤l¤uµ{­»´ä¦³­­¤½¥q - ¦Û³]¼t©Ð¥Í²£, Troneer ¹q¤l»ö¾¹, RCC ´ú¸Õ»ö, ­q³y°ªÀWºô©Ð.
  7. ATM Ltd. - ¥Í²£¤Î¥N¤u¥Í²£¹q¤l»ö¾¹¡A²£«~¥]¬A²G´¹Åé¹q¤l­p®É¾¹¤Î¨¾¤ô·Å«×­p¡C
  8. Data Logger: Agents Transecon (Axiom) Ltd.; ´¼¯à¸ê®Æ°O¿ý»ö - ¬O¥[®³¤jAcrsystems, Inc ªº°ê»Ú¥N²z, ¸ê®Æ°O¿ý¨t²Î, ¸`¬Ù¯à·½¤â¬q©M¸Ñú¨«Ç¤ºªÅ®ð½è¶q°ÝÃD¡C
  9. Wai Kai Co.; °¶¨Î¤½¥q - ¥N²zÃC¦â´ú¶q¾¹¡B¦â®t­p¡B´ú·Å­p¡B´ú¦â­p¡B«G«×­p¤Î¤Á¥¬¿ì¾÷¡C
  10. Tronnovation Technology Enterprise Ltd.; ³ÐÂE¹q¤l¬ì¥ø¦³­­¤½¥q - Makes electronic scale.
  11. Easson precision Ltd. - ¥Í²£¼ÆÅã´ú¶q¨t²Î©M¥ú¾Ç¦¡¹q¤l¤Ø¡C
  12. Producer Trading Co Lid.; Áp¿³³]³Æ¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñº|¤ô¡Bº|·Ñ®ð¡B¦a¤U¾ÉºÞ¡B¹qÆl¡B¤ôºÞ±´´ú©M¤ô·½¬ªº|ºÊ´úµ¥»ö¾¹¡C
  13. Unitek Instruments Co.; Áp¬ì»ö¾¹¤½¥q - Supplies portable measuring and testing instruments for industrial safety, food & industry processing, environmental protection and industrial emission.

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