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Sites for you ( §Ú­n¥[¤J Sites for You Àu¥ý±Æ§Ç ¤¤): ºô¯¸±Æ¦æ: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. IMS Storage Equipment (H.K.) Ltd. - ¥Í²£°w¹ïªÅ¶¡ªº³B²z¦Ó³]­pªº²Õ¦X¬[¡C
  2. Takad Furniture (HK) Ltd.; ¯S®æ³ÃÍï(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¤Î¾P°â¸gÀç®a¨ã¡C
  3. Royal House Furnishings Gallery; «Ò®x³Ã¨ã´Y - ¾P°â¨Ó¦Û·N¤j§Q©M¦è¯Z¤úªº¥j¨å³ÃÍï¡B¥j¨åÄÁ¡B¿O¹¢¡Bªoµe¤Î·N¤j§QflorenceÀJ¶ì«~µ¥¡C
  4. Profilia of West Germany (Far East) Ltd.; ¦è¼wÄ_´IÄR(»·ªF)¦³­­¤½¥q - ±MÀçÄ_´IÄR§É¿È, ®Þ¤Æ, À\Âi, À\´È, ¦çÂd, ¦aÂd, CD¬[.
  5. Mission Contract Furniture Co., Ltd.; ¶×«T³ÃÍ靈­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£§ÖÀ\©±³ÃÍï¡BűÅKÂi¸}¡B¼ÒÀ£Âi­±¡B¤á¥~¾TÂi´Èµ¥²£«~¡C
  6. Meihua Furniture International Company; ¬ü¤Æ³Ã­Ñ°ê»Ú¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ³Ã­Ñ¡A¥]¬A¦í¦v¡B¿ì¤½«Ç¡B°s©±¤Î¾Ç®Õµ¥¡C Manufactures & exports furniture for home, office, hotel and school.
  7. Qiantang River Arts & Furniture Ltd. - manufacturer of decorative furniture, ceramic ware, polyresin ware, wall decoration, clocks. Looking for oversea importers and resellers.
  8. Minson Ltd. - ±q¨Æ¶T©ö¤Î»s³y«Ç¤º©Î«Î¥~ªº³Ã­Ñ¡C
  9. Megain Co., Ltd.; ¹F»õ¬ü¦³­­¤½¥q - ³ÃÍï³]­p, ¥Í²£¤Î¥N²z¤é¥»KOYO³ÃÍ來ª÷°t¥ó, ²£«~¥D­n¬°¬¡°Ê¦¡¨Fµo, ¨Fµo, ¨Fµo§É, ¤é¥»©M«Ç´È¡C
  10. Cartebo Investment Ltd.; ®a±oÄ_§ë¸ê¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¶³¥Û³ÃÍï¡B²¡¿j¤Î¸Ë¹¢ªO±øµ¥¡A³ÃÍï¥]¬A´È¤l¡BÃè¤l¤Î®à¤lµ¥¡C
  11. Grandeur Development Co. - Specializes in providing rattan and wicker furniture.
  12. Oriental Arts & Furniture - Designing and manufacturing lacquer furniture for export to world markets, specializes in manufacturing a range of accent furniture and decorative accessories for trade.
  13. Axis Collections - A site of designer furnitures, cabinet & drawer handpainted ceramic knobs, fine art prints & framing, rug sisal.
  14. Whole Champ Industries Ltd.; ¥þÀA¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - a manufacturer and exporter of metal household products, such as perfume trays, wine racks, litter bins and bathroom set holders. OEM projects range from steam train, terminal, computer case and valve tool and more.
  15. Art Furniture - Experience the beauty of Chinese culture through the artistic designed yet practical antique Chinese furniture.
  16. Pak Tat Industrial & Trading Company; 栢¹F»s«~¤½¥q - Provides stainless steel furnishing solutions to our customers. Some of our stainless steel products include poster stand, advertising stand, banner display rack, menu stand, barrier, multi-functional display unit, product shelving, multiple usage shelving, restaurant chair, bar stool, bar table, dining table, coffee table, clothing rack, hanger, etc. ¡@We also carry many non-stainless steel products including cast iron table base, outdoor/garden furniture, aluminum chair and table set, chrome chair, etc. ±MÀç°s¼Ó¡BÀ\ÆU¡G枱¬[¡A´È¡Bªá¶é枱¡A´È¡B©ÛµP®y¡B®É¸Ë³¯¦C¦ç¬[¡B²Õ¦X¬[¡B°t¥ó¡C Åwªï¨Ó¹Ï­q³y¤£ù׿û¤uµ{¡C
  17. Janton Enterprises- rattan and wicker furniture - Rattan products including all kinds of rattan material, rattan cane webbing, synthetic cane webbing, wicker furniture, wrought iron and aluminum furniture etc.
  18. Chung Kong Arts-Rattan Ltd.; ªQ¥úÄ𾹦³­­¤½¥q - Manufacturer, exporter and buying agent which specializes in rattan furniture, wickerware and basketware.
  19. Sanyutang; ¤T¾l°ó¦³­­¤½¥q - ¬¡°Ê²Õ¦X«Î.
  20. Finecorp Rattan Factory Ltd. - Manufacturer and exporter with production facility in Southern China to produce handcrafted wicker, rattan, steel frame woven with resin and aluminum frame woven with resin outdoor furniture and accessories.
  21. I.F. Collection Ltd.; ³Ã­Ñ´Y¦³­­¤½¥q - Imported Italian furniture, sofa, chair, table, bed, wardrobe.
  22. Wang Kee Furniture; §»°ò³Ã¨p - mainly carry on high-class European classic furniture imported from Italy and Spain; such as dining tables, chairs, cupboards, sofas, television cabinets and furniture for bedroom. All products are made by solid wood. ¸g¾P¼Ú¬w¥j¨å³ÃÍï¡A²£¦a¤À§O¨Ó¦Û·N¤j§Q¤Î¦è¯Z¤ú, ¥]¬AÀ\Âi¡BÀ\´È¡BÀ\Ï@¡B¨Fµo¡B¹qµøÏ@¤ÎºÎ©Ð¨t¦C¡A¥þ³¡¥H°t®M§Î¦¡®i¥Ü¤©ÅU«È¿ïÁÊ¡A²£«~§¡¥H¹ê¤ì¬°¥D¡C
  23. Bozzini & Orix International Ltd.; °ìêP°ê»Ú¦³­­¤½¥q - Provides a range of office furniture to various kinds of business. Also design and manufacture various kinds of custom made furniture such as wood veneer executive desk, wall units, steel storage cabinet and leather sofa. ±MÀç¼g¦r¼Ó³Ã­Ñ, ´£¨Ñ±M¤H«×¤ØªA°È.
  24. Luk's Woodware Ltd.; ¶}«H¤ì¾¹¦³­­¤½¥q - ¤¤°ê¥j¨åªá±ù¤ì¡B¬õÀÈ¡B¶ÂÀÈ©MÂû¯Í¤ì®a¨ã§åµo/¹s°â¡CRosewood, blackwood pau-ferro monzo, jambire, kiaat and rosewood furniture.
  25. Yat Ming Furniture (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.; ¤@»ï³ÃÍï(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£°s¼Ó¡B°s©±¤ÎÀ\ÆU³ÃÍï¡A¥]¬AÀ\´È¡B§a´È¡BÂiªO¡BÂûÁlÂi¡BºPÂi¡BÂà¬Ö¤Î¯ù¤Lµ¥¡C
  26. Shen Fat Furniture Company Ltd; ­»´ä²`µo³ÃÍ靈­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£ªá±ù¡N¬õ¤ì¡N¶ÂÀÈ¡N»ÄªKµ¥¦W¶Q³ÃÍï, ¦³¬ü¦¡¡N·N¦¡¡N¥xÆW¦¡¡N¥é¥j¦¡µ¥.
  27. Pocon Industrial Company - ³ÃÍï, ¤ì³ÃÍï, ¥j¸³³ÃÍï, ¤ì´È, ¤ìÏ@, ³U, ¤â®¾³U, ®È¦æ³U, Áʪ«³U, ¤Æ§©³U, ±¾¦ç³U.
  28. Nuovo Collection; ù¯B¥@®a - Provides both classic and modern designs indoor and outdoor accessories.
  29. Unity Office Furniture Co. ; Â@ÅA³Ã¨ã - ¸gÀç«Ì­·²Õ¦X¡B ¿ì¤½Âi¡B·|ijÂi¡B¿ì¤½´È¤Î¤å¥ó¶J¦sÏ@µ¥¨t¦C¿ì¤½³Ã¨ã¡C
  30. Furniturefocus.com; ³ÃÍïµJÂIºô - ¦UÃþ«ÈÆU¡BºÎ©Ð¡B¼p©Ð¤Î¯D«Ç³Ã¨p¡C
  31. Enoch Deco Co. Ltd.; ¥Ã¼Ö­}°ª - ´£¨Ñ¿ì¤½«Ç³Ã­Ñ³]­p¤è®×¡B¾P°â¦U«~µP³Ã­Ñ. Provides investigation including an on-site measurement and drawing.
  32. Tint Living Ltd.; ¤Ñ­P³]­p - ´£¨Ñ«Ç¤º¸Ë­×¡B®a©~Â\¸m¡B¯S¦âºë«~¡B³Ã­Ñ¤Î³ÃÍï¡BÃh¿O¹¢µ¥¡C
  33. Wicka Designs Ltd. - Outdoor furniture specialists providing unique, exclusive designs for luxury outdoor living.
  34. Green-Lite Co Ltd.; ª÷´I·½(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - Products include assemble furniture, aluminum furniture, glass furniture, TV-rack, computer rack, audio rack, video rack, health product, jade pillow cover, jade cushion cover, jade matterss cover.
  35. A&M Collections; ÂE¦W§{ - Products include Chinese wood furniture and accessories, traditional Chinese paintings, calligraphy and porcelain products, aromatic candles, incense and sticks.
  36. M&L Company; ¬ü®Ô¤½¥q - ¥D­n´£¨Ñ¤á¥~®x¶é³Ã­Ñ¡B¤p«¬«Ç¤º³Ã­Ñ¤Î¸Ë¹¢¥Î«~¡C²£«~¾A¦X®a®x¡B¦Ñ¤H°|ªÙ¡B¾Ç®Õ¡B¨p¤H¾÷ºcµ¥¡C
  37. The Forest Hill Furniture Mart; ºÖªL²ø - 爲±z´£¨Ñ¶éªL³]­p¡B¤á¥~¹ê¤ì²Õ¦X«Î¡BÀxª«Ï@¡B¹ê¤ì³ÃÍï¡B¤á¥~¤ì§÷¡Bªá¶é¡B¤ô¦À¥Î®Æ¤Î®a©~Â\³]µ¥µ¥¡C
  38. Macini Collection Ltd.(Asia Sofa Manufactory Ltd.);°¨¥P©g¯u¥Ö®Þ¤Æ±Mªù©±(¨È¬w®Þ¤Æ»s³y¼t¦³­­¤½¥q) - ¤@¶¡®Þ¤Æ»s³y¼t¡A±Mªù¥Í²£¯u¥Ö®Þ¤Æ¡C
  39. Simple Collections Co Ltd.; ¸U»¨³Ã­Ñ¨t¦C¦³­­¤½¥q - ¾P°â®É´Ú°s§a´È(Bar Chair)¡AÅwªï¿ËÁ{°ÑÆ[¡C
  40. Living Furniture and Decoration; ³ÃÍï³Ã¨ã¤Î¸Ë¹¢¥Î«~ - ´£¨Ñ®a¨ã¡B«Ç¤º³]­p¡B¸Ë­×¡B¦w¸Ë¤Î«~½èºÊ±±¤@¯¸¦¡ªA°È¡C
  41. Century Contract Company Ltd.; Áp¦X¥@¬ö¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ³ÃÍï§åµo°Ó¡B¾P°â´ÃóÃÍï¡B®Þ¤Æ¥d¦ì¡B¶éÃÀ¡B¬c¤ìµ¥³ÃÍï¡C
  42. Chitaly Furniture Hong Kong - Online furniture store with OEM, ODM products.
  43. Va Ieong Furniture Co.; µØ¬v³ÃÍ綠¥q - »s³y¤uÃÀ¤Î³Ã­Ñ¦¨«~¡A¥X¤f¼Ú¬w¡B¥_¬ü¬w¡B«n¬ü¬w¡B«D¬w¡B¿D¬w¤Î¤¤ªF¡B¤é¥»µ¥¦a¡C
  44. Nickel Ltd. - System furniture, mobile filing system, storage, desking, seating, and folding table. ²£«~¥]¬A³Ã­Ñ¨t¦C¡B¬¡°Ê¤å¥ó¨t¦C¡BÀx¦s¨t¦C¡B¿ì¤½¨ô¡B¿ì¤½´È¤ÎºP枱¡C
  45. Vince's Designer's Furniutre - ¾P°â³]­p®v´Ú¦¡´È¤l¡B§Éµ¥³Ã¨p¡A¨Ï¤j®a»´©ö´£°ª¥Í¬¡«~¨ý¤Î½è¼Æ¡C
  46. CED Showroom; °ê»Ú¤¤À·¦³­­¤½¥qºô¤W®iÆU - Furniture wholesale trader. Provide furnitures and Life styles products.
  47. Sohomilano Innovative Industrial Ltd. - Exports furnitures. ±MÀç³ÃÍï¥X¤f¼Ú¡B¬ü¡B¤é°ê®aµ¥¦a¤è¡C
  48. Trade International Furniture Ltd.; ¥@¶T³ÃÍ靈­­¤½¥q - ¦³¿ì¤½«Ç, ¾Ç®Õ, ±Ð·|, °s¼Ó³Ã¨p¤Î³]­pªA°È¡C

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