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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Createx Engineering Co., Ltd.; 創亞工業器材工程有限公司 - 提供塑膠機維修、保養工程,國內設有零配件加工中心,為客戶提供注塑機零件加工服務。
  2. Wcshop; 永昌實業公司 - 專營帳篷、手推車、貨架、促銷車、拉帶柱、展示架、演講台、椅檯、購物架、網架、清潔用品、搾水車、垃圾筒、太陽傘及沙包等。
  3. Wo Fund Hong; 和豐行 - 產品包括垃圾袋、衛生紙、垃圾桶、水桶、拉帶柱、指示牌、服務車、雨傘架、演講台、地毯、乾手機、吸塵機等。
  4. Polyparts Company Ltd. - Industrial belt manufacturer. Products include transmission belt, conveyor, automotive belt.
  5. Clover Display Limited; 高發液晶有限公司 - liquid crystal display manufacturer
  6. Fujikon Industrial Co., Ltd. - Produces power supply units, such as AC/AC adaptors, AC/DC adaptors and transformers.
  7. SMC Pheumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. - technical courses and training
  8. A Card Company Ltd.; A咭有限公司 - credit card and smart card equipments.
  9. Acrylic Specialies; 亞加力製品廠 - 專科亞加力製品
  10. Prime Success Enterprises Ltd.; 溢成企業有限公司 - 香港出口帳篷帳幕用品生產商. Authorized manufacturer of Patented Pop - Up Tent for various applications, products range from camping tent, beach shelter, wind shelter, golf practicing tent to children's play tent, babies' plany pen, pet cabana, storage barrel and car shade.
  11. Wayland Machinery Manufactory Ltd.; 威聯機器廠有限公司 - Specialized in plastic bag making machine
  12. Jennis Industries Ltd; 俊裕實業有限公司 - exporter of backpack, travelling bag, sport bag, cooler bag, school bag, document bag...
  13. Vanker Ind. Ltd. - Specialized in manufacturing markers, crayons, art sets and other drawing accessories such as kids apron and glitter glues.
  14. Many Folk Enterprises Limited; 萬耀豐企業有限公司 - specialist supplies of elecrical conduit fitting and wire accessories and hardward. We can follow the requirement, specification, drawing to produce the goods for our coustomer.
  15. Top Vision 3D (HK) Ltd - a lenticular manufacturer based in Hong Kong with production facilities in China
  16. Laser Art Studio Ltd.; 雷射藝舍有限公司 - 本廠是香港首間 專門生產立體鐳射全息 (Hologram) 製品廠.
  17. Lee Man Metal Factory; 利民五金廠 - offers more than 200 plastic and metal products in garment, houseware, door hardware, furniture, stationary items etc.
  18. The Glee Manufacturing Co. Ltd; 奇利企業有限公司 - manufacturer of printed labels, suspender, PVC, ribbon etc and more
  19. Wai Luen Industrial (HK) Ltd. ; 偉聯實業 (香港) 有限公司 - 實用品 例如牙刷, 梳, 各類化裝袋, 酒店用品, PVC 膠製品bags MFR, premium supplies such as tooth brush, comb, shoe...
  20. China Now (KKS) Ltd.; 中厚 (啟光) 有限公司 - hot-stamping equipment
  21. The Professional Validation Conuncil of Hong Kong Industries Ltd.; 香港工業專業評審局 - 協助從業員獲取業內認可之專業資格及提升其技術水平。
  22. Konrida Industrial Ltd.; 港利達工業有限公司 - 專營光學鏡片設計、塑膠零件注塑、產品組裝、噴油及絲印加工。
  23. Innovax Manufacturing Company; 永鏗行 - Specializes in plastic and metal string tag.
  24. Gee Lee Metal And Plastic Manufactory Ltd.; 致利金屬及塑膠制品廠有限公司 - Manufactures imitation jewelry & premium gift.

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