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  1. Dragon Enterprises (HK) Co. Ltd.; 天龍實業有限公司 - manufacturer and distributor of magnetic products.
  2. Millennium Magnetics Ltd.; 萬年磁有限公司 - specialized in producing and supplying various magnets and magnetic products with their own factories in mainland China.
  3. Hua Xing Magnetic Material & Precision Casting Co., Ltd - Providing alnico magnet, NdFeB magnet, SmCo magnet, hard ferrite magnet and casting stainless steel products.
  4. Main Rich International Ltd. - Manufactures and exports magnetic materials, including isotropic ferrite magnets, anisotropic ferrite magnet, rubber magnets and Nd-Fe-B magnets.
  5. Earth Magnets (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.; 大地磁性材料(香港)有限公司 - 專營各類釹鐵硼磁鐵, 等方性/異方性永磁鐵氧體, 橡膠磁和其他磁性材料產品. Specializing in producing permanent magnetic products. Our main products are NdFeB magnets, isotropic and anisotropic ferrite magnets, rubber magnets and other magnetic products.
  6. The Magnet Products Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; 達美磁性製品廠有限公司 - 製造雪櫃磁貼及磁性製品,如磁性畫板、磁性飛標、磁性年曆、磁性書簽、磁性拼圖、磁性電話簿等。 Manufactures fridge magnet and promotional magnet products, including flat magnet, magnetic bookmark, magnetic photo frame, magnetic puzzle, magnetic calendar, magnetic phonebook.
  7. Atlas Magtech LLC - 生產膠磁產品、禮品、印刷品等。

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