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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Levox International Co., Ltd.; 利獲時實業有限公司 - 專營包裝裝璜相關產品、流波飾片、超薄型聚炭酸酯片、光柵片(立體畫線紋膠片)、特殊效果裝璜咭紙、PVC吸塑及開窗盒膠片、交通標誌產品、花紋紙、不乾膠紙/薄膜/標籤等。
  2. Growth Master International Limited; 高大國際有限公司 - 主要產品有自黏膠皮, 自黏膠帶, 波音膠皮, 包書膠皮, 雙面膠帶...
  3. Adhesive Manufacturer - Adhesive and pressroom products manufacturer make white glue, animal glue, fountain concentrate, roller and blanket washes, UV washes, rubber rejuvenator, glaze remover, plate cleaner, spray powder & plate protector.

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