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Aluminium-¾T·~ (8)
Steel-¿ûÅK (9)
Sites for you ( §Ú­n¥[¤J Sites for You Àu¥ý±Æ§Ç ¤¤): ºô¯¸±Æ¦æ: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Yau Sang Galvanizers (Hot-Dip) Co Ltd. - Services include anti-corrosion for steel, zinc, hot dip galvanizing , galvanizers. ´£¨ÑÅK¾¹¨¾ù׳B²z¡B¾N¡B¼ö®ûÁá¾N¡BÁá¾N¡C
  2. Glory Point Industrial Ltd. - Trading stainless steel, carbon steel, copper, aluminum, titanium, and other ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as various kinds of toy parts; also handling gold and sliver plated item; such as cutlery, gift and souvenir.
  3. Centennial Tinplate Service Centre, Ltd.; ³Ð¬ö°¨¤fÅKªA°È¤¤¤ß(¶°¹Î)¦³­­¤½¥q - Can manufacturer, sells different kinds of Tinplate, Tinfree, Blackplate. ´£¨Ñ¨îÅø©Ò»Ý­ì§÷®Æªº¥þ½u²£«~. ¥[¤u¦UºØ¤Ø¤o³W®æªº(Áá¿ü¤ù)¥ÕÅK, (Áá»Ì¤ù)§JÅK, (©³¤ù)¶ÂÅK¡C
  4. Gaymax Development Ltd.; Äv·¸µo®i¦³­­¤½¥q - ¸gÀ禳¦âª÷ÄÝ¡BÅK¦Xª÷¤Î¿û§÷¡A¥]¬A¾T¿õ¡B¹q¸Ñ»É¡B§C®ñ»É§ý¡B¾N¿õ¡B¹]¿õ¡B¿ü¿õ¡B®ñ¤Æ¾T¡B¾T«¬§÷¡B°¨¤fÅK¡B§N¤ãªO¡B¤£Äÿû¡BÁá¾NªO¡BÖºÅK¡Bª÷ÄÝÖº¡BÖº¿ø¦Xª÷µ¥¶i¥X¤f·~°È¡C
  5. New Century (China) Co.; ¥ý¹F(¤¤°ê)¤½¥q - °â½æª÷ÄÝ°t¥ó¡C
  6. Hong Luen Metal Trading Company; ±dÁp¤­ª÷¶T©ö¤½¥q - ¸gÀ礭ª÷¶T©ö¡B¼oª÷Äݦ^¦¬¤Î¼o¹q½u¡B¹qÆlªº²`¥[¤u¡A¥ç°Ñ»PÄv§ë¦UºØª÷Äݼo®Æ¡C ¥]¬A¡G6063 ¼o¾T¡B¤£ù׿û¤ù¡B¹q½u¡B¼o»É¡B¾T¤ô½c¡B¼o½¦¡B¤°»ò¥´¡B¿û¸H¡C Hardware trading, scrap metals collection, scrap wire and cable. Includes aluminium extrusion 6063, stainless steel sheet and plate, cables, copper scrap, aluminium radiators, plastic, mixed electric motor, stainless steel scrap.
  7. Chit Ngai Metal Giftware Ltd.; ±¶¼Ý¤­ª÷§«~¦³­­¤½¥q - »s³y»É¡B¾T¤Î¤£Äç«~¡A¥]¬A°s³ý¡B·Ï²°¡B·Ï¦Ç¬û¡B¤Æ§©«~²°µ¥¡C
  8. Chuen Hing Metal Fty; »Í¿³ª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - Products include latch, hinge, handle, lock, air nozzle, foot.
  9. Wing Sang Lung (HK) Ltd - specialized in metal trading industry. Trading on non-ferrous and ferrous metals.
  10. Yield Win International Ltd.; ¦³¬Õ°ê»Ú¦³­­¤½¥q - Produces tin products including food, stationery, souvenir, chemical household products, etc..
  11. Ampro Industrial Company Ltd.; ¦w«O¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - Manufactures tailor-made metallic parts: BS pin, VDE pin, UL pin, CNC metal parts, toy's metal parts, gear, Hi-Fi parts, brass speaker stand, etc.. ¤­ª÷¤Î¶ì½¦¹s¥ó»s³y°Ó¡C
  12. Cladmet; ¥¨¶©¤½¥q - Provide clad metal, clad plate, clad bar, titanium plate and titanium tube.
  13. Universal Silver Plated Metal Factory Ltd.; Àô²yª÷ÄÝ(»È¾¹)»s«~¦³­­¤½¥q - Manufactures silver, gold, chrome, nickel plated zinc alloy die-casted products.

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