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Organizations-塑膠組織 (2)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Best Choice Company; 永達利公司 - 生產潛水膠、EVA膠、PE板、PU棉及回力膠、橡膠注塑、吸塑電壓產品、EVA定形、手袋、玩具包裝等。 Supplies neoprene, EVA, PU sponge, PE board, blister, toy packaging.
  2. 寶理塑料 - 生產及銷售工程塑料。
  3. Lee Wan Capsule Wool Knitting Mfy. Ltd. - Manufacturer and exporter for plastic watchstrap case, deluxe jewelry showcase, vacuum forming, various style plastic packing and plastic products (e.g. plastic comb, watch brand).
  4. Wofoo Plastics Ltd.;和富塑膠有限公司 - 生產和富牌PVC膠粒, 德利民牌PP-R。
  5. Sanwo Restaurant Supply Company; 三禾膠袋快餐用品公司 - 批發零售膠袋、快餐用品,包括密實袋、透明膠袋、OPP特透明黏貼式封口膠袋、OPP特透明黏貼式封口有孔掛袋、手挽袋、三文治白色膠袋、垃圾袋、掛衣袋、手挽紙袋、雞皮紙袋、紅白藍膠袋、手套、口罩、抹手紙、空氣清新劑、紙巾、水松飯盒、水松碗、水松杯、紙杯、膠杯、飲管、筷子、餅底花紙、單頭紙、竹簽、鍚紙、保鮮紙、清潔用品、膠紙、微波爐盒、塑膠餐具等。
  6. Hip Lei Packaging Products Fty. Ltd.; 協利膠盒廠有限公司 - 生產透明膠盒包裝,包括PVC/PET/PP膠盒、啤片、圓筒、吸塑及PVC/EVA膠袋。 印刷技術有柯式印刷、絲印、熨金、UV凸字效果。 Specializes in manufacturing clear transparent packaging such as PVC/PET & PP plastic boxes, die cut sheets, tubes, blisters & PVC/ EVA soft bags. Printing technique includes offset printing, silk printing, hot stamping, UV embossing, etc..
  7. Tung Hang Plastic Bag Factory Ltd.; 通行膠袋廠(香港)有限公司 - 專營膠袋及購物袋,可出口或供本地市場。 Products include plastic bag, carrier bag, T-shirt bag, shopping bag, album polybag, etc..
  8. Wing Tat Plastic Bags Printing Ltd.; 永達膠袋印製有限公司 - 生產時款膠質及紙質購物袋,包括包裝袋、廣告宣傳袋、不織布袋、PVC袋及OPP袋等。
  9. Winfong Trading Company; 永豐貿易公司 - We are trading plastic scrap directly ship from USA. Our products consist of PP, LDPE, HDPE, PET, ABS, PC, PMMA, PS, HIPS, HDPE/PET.
  10. Yat Lee Plastic Bag Factory; 溢利膠袋廠 - 生產塑料包袋,包括PE、PP、PVC、PO、HDPE、PPE、ziplock袋、OPP及購物袋。
  11. Chi Hing Polybags Factory; 志興膠袋廠 - 提供膠袋生產及生產顧客設計的膠袋服務。
  12. Wang Tai Polythene Company; 宏泰膠袋公司 - 生產垃圾袋、檯布、購物袋及背心袋等。
  13. HsinFus; 信福國際有限公司 - 銷售多種塑化原料。
  14. Kwong Yu PVC; 光裕塑膠廠有限公司 - Produces non-toxic & non-phthalate PVC compound. Distributes PVC materials as PVC resin, plasticizer, TXIB, additive.
  15. First-Foundation Ltd.; 第一基石有限公司 - Sells engineering plastics, including TPR, PETG, TPE, Z-polymer. 供應工程塑膠材料,包括TPR、PETG、TPE、Z-polymer等。
  16. Aqua Bright Company Ltd. - Provide protective case with pattern printed. Our cases are designed for PSP game player, i-pod musical player and mobile phone.
  17. Value Chain Network (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 塑源(香港)有限公司 - 經營熱塑性彈性體(TPE)塑膠原料。
  18. Lecco Industries Ltd. ; 聯冠實業有限公司 - 玻璃粉紙 (特光紙)、 粉紙(銅板紙)、 書紙(模造紙)、光金/銀鋁箔紙、 啞金/銀鋁箔紙、光金/銀特多龍、 啞金/銀特多龍、透明聚酯、透明PVC、 乳白PVC、合成紙、透明裱膠、 單/雙面膠紙、 單/雙面泡棉膠帶、 三文治膠帶/泡棉膠帶、 熱熔膠帶
  19. Sharpwell Technology Ltd. - 生產矽膠產品,產品包括搖控器按鈕、滑鼠滾輪、贈品及禮品。
  20. Ocean King Inflatable Products Ltd - products include swimming gears and toys.
  21. Potat Plastic Factory Ltd.; 寶達塑膠廠有限公司 - manufacturer of plastic stationeries including pen-holder, pencil sharpener, tape dispenser and other related accessories.
  22. National Brushes & Plastic Manufactory Ltd.; 國民刷品塑膠廠有限公司 - 各類塑膠毛刷、塑膠用具等。
  23. Hip Lik Packaging Products Fty Ltd; 協力膠盒廠有限公司 - Specializes in the Transparent Clear Plastic Packaging, e.g. PVC/PET & PP folding boxes, Die Cut Sheets, Blisters. 專業生產透明膠盒包裝,包括PVC/PET及環保PP膠盒,啤片及吸塑製品。印刷技術包括柯式印刷、絲印、熨金、磨沙、光油、凸字效果。
  24. Wah Sang Industrial Co.; 華生實業公司 - produce a wide variety of anti static packaging for electronics, semiconductor and computer main board, peripheral cards, memory modules...etc. Static damage of IC component can be protected by increasing conductivity of the packaging material. Wah Sang manufacturing anti static tray, clam-shell, blister and bay is based on this theory.
  25. Tins Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.; 田氏化工廠有限公司 - Uses calender machines to produce semi-rigid and flexible PVC sheets. 專營PVC薄膜及人造皮革生產業務。
  26. Stand In Industrial Co. - Rubber parts manufacturer. 生產塑膠製成的手提電話按鈕、車、杯墊、錶帶等產品。
  27. Best Kind International Industrial Ltd. - A Hong Kong - China manufacturer which produces and exports plastic material household products including plastic folding tables, kid tables, chairs and stools, baby potty assistants and bathroom accessories
  28. Sam Wai Plastic Toys Ltd.; 三威塑膠玩具有限公司 - Car accessories manufacturer. 透過生產塑膠而製成的風扇、吸塵機、汽車配件等產品。
  29. Kong Lung Manufactory Ltd. - manufacturer of spectacle cases
  30. Evernew Development (Hong Kong) Ltd. ; 永新發展(香港)有限公司 - an injection molds and plastic products manufacturer in Hong Kong
  31. Meco International Sources Ltd; 美高國際資源有限公司 - import & export plastic raw material.
  32. Ken Nam Plastic Bags Factory Ltd.; 建南膠袋廠有限公司 - 生產各種以低密度聚乙烯、高密度聚乙烯及聚丙稀為材料的膠袋,包括垃圾袋、檯布、購物袋及背心袋等。
  33. Newluck Plastic Works Ltd.; 新運塑膠有限公司 - Plastic products, rubber boot, Christmas, decoration products. 生產及代理各種塑膠製品, 裝飾物, 橡膠鞋, 聖誕樹等.
  34. Wing Yue (Hui's) Industrial Ltd.; 榮裕 (許氏) 實業有限公司 - Plastic products manufacturer. 生產塑膠家庭用品,包括電話、玩具、家庭日用品及膠袋。
  35. Flyin Plastic Industrial Co. Ltd.; 飛燕橡膠實業有限公司 - plastic mirror manufacturer.
  36. Kwong Fai Group; 剛輝集團 - 剛輝是專業橡膠零件製造廠,主要生產精密高溫矽膠件應用於玩具業、密封圈、按鍵、精密五金、家庭電器等。
  37. Ying Fat Plastic Factory; 英發塑膠廠 - Producing the sesonal plastic containers, also the plastic products manufacturer
  38. Great Performance Ltd. - 家具及廚具用品, 以塑膠為主
  39. ELE International - 製造、原件生產及出口電腦機箱、CD 盒、CD 架、錄音帶盒及太陽能收音機。
  40. T.S. Lam Metal & Plastic Co., Ltd. - Manufacturer of plastic & metal household including: air tight canister, drinking mug, plastic drinking cup.
  41. Yau Bong Polybags Printing Co. Ltd.; 友邦膠袋印製有限公司 - 印製各類型膠袋制品.
  42. Chit Hing Plastic Ind'l Co.; 捷興塑膠實業公司 - Experienced in designing & product plastics & metal(hardware) production. 專業設計及生產塑膠及金屬製品.
  43. Wei Lik Plastics Engineering Co., Ltd; 威力塑膠工程有限公司 - provides heavy guage sheets vacuum thermoforming and fabrication service. 提供塑膠厚板真空成型(吸塑)及加工服務。
  44. Beautimax Ltd. - 生產及代工生產塑膠製品,包括相架、鐘及商品擺放架等。
  45. Shum Fei Chemical Material Ltd; 深輝化工原料有限公司 - 貿易塑膠原料,包括ABS、HIPS、PP、HDPE、LDPE、PC、POM、TPR等,同時也供應化纖原料、polyester textured yarn、PET、壓扁瓶等。
  46. Inter Sanely Ltd.; 中新利有限公司 - 專門生產各類包裝材料: 氣珠膠、珍珠棉、鋁箔複合袋、PS 填充料、氣珠公文袋、防靜電金屬屏蔽袋、及代理日本Asahi Suntec PE Foam.
  47. Tung Hing Holding Co. Ltd.; 同與控股有限公司 - 生產真空吸塑包裝製品, PVC/PET/PP摺盒.
  48. Ka Wah Plastic Industrial Company; 嘉華塑膠工業公司 - Produces products and components for industries such as automotive, computer, mobile communication and industrial safety.
  49. Tung Hing Plastic Factory - manufacturer and exporter of cutter
  50. Sun Fung Hong Plastic Material Co., Ltd.; 新豐行塑膠原料有限公司 - 專營香港, 中國塑膠原料貿易
  51. Kin Tat Rubber Technology Ltd.; 堅達橡膠科技有限公司 - 制造橡膠制品, 橡膠模具制造, o-ring, seal ring, rubber footgasket.
  52. Tak Lee Industrial Co.; 德利膠袋製品廠 - 產品包括膠袋、速遞袋、膠耳、防潮珠。
  53. Deco Fun (H.K.) Industries Ltd.; 繽紛(香港)實業有限公司 - 服務包括模具制造、塑膠啤塑、波麗、塑膠、精品、玩具、贈品生產。
  54. Hong kong Wan Tung Machinery Electrical; 香港運通電機 - 塑膠包裝機械設備, 吸塑塑膠包裝產品, PP塑膠原料批發.
  55. Full Power (HK) Ltd - Plastic, straw, drinking, tube, stalk.
  56. Friends Manufacturing Company Ltd. - manufacturing metal, plastic, and silver plated ware, including: kitchen utensils
  57. Shun Sing PVC Leather Company Ltd.; 信成(PVC)膠布有限公司 - 專營東南亞各國PVC軟膠、吹氣膠、植毛膠、布底膠、膠皮、透明硬膠片、PP膠片等。低毒,超低毒,耐寒,防靜電,防火。(美國,歐洲,瑞士標準)均可。
  58. The Universal Hardware & Plastic Factory Limited; 世界五金塑膠廠有限公司 - a member of ETEX Group, France, has been actively engaging with manufacturing and wholesales business of the a range of pipes and fittings from a variety of materials like PP, uPVC, MuPVC, CPVC, ABS, PVDF.
  59. polybag.com.hk Ltd.; 香港膠袋有限公司 - plastic bag manufacturer and agency in Hong Kong. Products include: plastic bag, carrier bag, T-shirt bag, drawstring bag...etc.
  60. Yuen Hing Polybags Co., Ltd.; 元與膠袋廠有限公司 - 生產复合袋、食品袋、BOPP、PVC產品、禮品包裝袋、購物袋。

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