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Factory Automation-工廠自動化@(9)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Surplus Company; 盈之公司 - 專營重型貨架、輕型貨架、塑膠卡板、物流箱、手唧車、剷車等貨倉設備。 Specializes in warehouse equipments such as pallet racking, shelving, plastic pallets, plastic containers, hand pallet trucks and forklift trucks.
  2. Jets Trading Company Hong Kong; 捷時貿易公司 - 專營各類進口手唧車、車轆、叉車工業電池及零件。提供上門維修服務.
  3. 寶祿洋行 - 有貨架設計、叉車租售、車尾板、維修及零件訂購。
  4. Carson Racking Systems Ltd.; 嘉新倉儲系統有限公司 - 提供貨架設計服務及安裝工程,免費度尺,CAD電腦繪圖,安裝服務。另備卡板、物流箱、手唧車等貨倉設備。Provides design and installation service on pallet racking and shelving with free site survey and CAD layout planning.

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