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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Ijen Enterprises Ltd. - Professional paper converters. 經營紙袋製造、包裝用品及再做紙等。
  2. iPaper18.com; 紙網 18 - 包裝業及紙品業貿易資訊的 B2B 電子商務網站。
  3. Green Production (Overseas) Group - Exporter and manufacturer of paper shopping bags and paper products in Hong Kong. 出口及生產紙袋、購物袋等紙品。
  4. Sunrise Splicing International Corporation Ltd.; 旭峰國際貿易有限公司 - 製造及經營各類品質紙業的廠商及出口商
  5. Yiu Wah Printing Products Co. Ltd.; 耀華印刷製品有限公司 - 製造紙品用具,包括各款紙盒紙袋。
  6. Progressive Paper Co.; 卓盈紙業公司 - Manufactures and exports laminating & coating paper, including aluminum foil paper, metallic paper, hologram paper, pearlescent paper, fancy paper, etc..
  7. Tinsol Paper Products Company Ltd.; 添崇柏得紙品有限公司 - Manufactures paper products and gift premium, including cards and books, photo albums, boxes, stationery, letter sets, photo frames, bath sets, etc..
  8. Lucky Star Enterprises (HK) Ltd.; 福星企業(香港)有限公司 - 代理紙張,及承接各項電子加工制品。
  9. Progressive Paper Co.; 卓盈紙業公司 - Manufactures wrapping paper, aluminum foil paper, metallic paper, hologram paper, pearlescent paper, glitter paper, iridescent paper.
  10. Sendon Paper Products Factory; 新駿紙品啤盒廠 - 專營粗幼坑瓦通紙箱、啤盒、啤內卡、內盒、黏盒、白咭盒、天地盒,代客設計彩盒及內卡手挽盒、蛋糕盒、精裝禮盒、golf、pizza、CD盒。
  11. Ideation Art Industries Ltd.; 宏智實業有限公司 - Manufactures paper cube, normal and sticky paper, memo block, note pad.

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