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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Nelson Jewellery Arts Co. Ltd. - Jewelry manufacturer. 生產及銷售黃金鑽飾,包括戒指、耳環、頸鏈及手鍊等。
  2. Green G; 青鑽飾 - 生產以花、葉為主題的首飾。
  3. 盈昇(香港)公司 - 從事耳環、吊咀、介指及臍飾製造及進口。
  4. Eternity Jewelry Company - Manufactures selection of 14K or 18K gold rings, earrings, baracelet & bangle, pendant & necklace, setting with diamonds, precious & gem stones.
  5. 軒日珠寶玉石有限公司; Sheentiff Jewellery (Jade & Carving) Ltd. - 主要經營14K、18K黃金和鉑鑲嵌玉、鑽石、紅寶及藍寶石的戒指、手鐲、耳環、吊墬、胸針和頸鍊等。
  6. Conquer Manufactory; 康佳製品有限公司 - Produces cufflinks, fashion jewelry, key rings, handbag & shoe accessories. Provides metal forming processing such as stamping, die-casting, spin casting, & lost-wax casting. Also provides surface treatments such as polishing, electroplating, enamel & epoxy application.
  7. Golden Heron Ornament Mfy. Co. - Manufactures silver and fashion jewellery.
  8. Wing Hing Gems & Jewels Co.; 永興寶石首飾公司 - Manfactures, wholesales and exports semi-precious.
  9. Kai Ngai Jade Co.; 佳藝玉器公司 - 生產、經營翡翠、珊瑚、水晶、瑪瑙製品。
  10. Always Jewelry - 生產、銷售925純銀首飾,包括戒指、墜鏈、手鏈、手鐲、耳釘、項鏈、腳鏈、胸針、手機鏈等。
  11. Tsun Hing Mfy. Co.; 駿興製品公司 - Manufactures bracelet, clasp and fitting, necklace, raw chain collection, watchband, ring and earring.

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