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主目錄 : 商業買賣 : 珠寶首飾 :


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Precious Metals

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Ambrits Unlimited Store; Ambrits 精鋼首飾專門店 - 網上售賣精鋼首飾。
  2. Heraeus Ltd. - Specialized in precious metals technology.
  3. Standard Metal Factory; 標準金屬製品廠 - 珠寶業的製造商及出口商,製造時尚首飾包括鍍金項鍊、耳環、心口針、手鐲、珍珠鍊及寶石(黑瑪瑙、虎眼石、石英、紫水晶等)。
  4. Pak Kee Metal & Plastic Mfy Ltd.; 柏記五金塑膠製品廠有限公司 - Manufactures metal jewelry findings, such as earring hook, post, necklace clasp, key rings, bottle openers, metal bells, advertisement souvenir.
  5. Joyfair Enterprises Ltd. - Specializes in manufacturing stainless steel jewellery.

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