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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Pineapple Princess Shop - 為你介紹及代購日本流行時裝、精品雜貨、小童嬰兒用品及服裝、潛水精品、單車用品、手袋及飾物等等。
  2. Active Container Ltd.; 動力貨櫃有限公司 - 銷售全新、二手及按需求訂造之貨櫃。
  3. Momentime Company; 日本代購網站 - 日本代購及代bid網站,可代投日本Yahoo拍賣場,樂天市場、ZOZO Town等潮流限定商品。
  4. E & A Development; 盈安發展 - 產品包括壁爐、煙囪、鎖車架(車鎖)、水底聲納探測儀、便摧式揚聲器。 Products include firebox(fireplace), chimney, immobilizer, metal hand stamps & banking equipment, stamp cancelling machine, postage label printing vending machine, postage information system.
  5. Trade Easy - a trade center for buyers and manufacturers; provide a search engine for products ranging from consumer products, parts and components to machinery.
  6. Premiere Document Distribution - Provides a range of computer and fax-based services focusing on high volume electronic document distribution.
  7. China Everbright Limited - retailing, restaurant operation & investment holding
  8. Dragon Trade HK - the internet market of many Asian Manufacturers, serves as an one-stop sourcing aid for overseas buyers from all over the world
  9. Asian Exporter Net - Export Manufacture Industries Information; 亞洲出口商聯網 - 出口資訊, 工業指南, 電子化工, 衣服紡織業建材, 古董機械, 工藝手錶, 鐘錶家電, 鞋業玩具, 飲食傢俱, 五金, 紙業, 塑膠, 印刷出版
  10. 美豐太平洋有限公司 - Agency advertising matches and automatic cleaning machines, packing machines and papery production machines. 代理廣告火柴,清潔機器,紙品製造機器及包裝機器。
  11. Binocular Direct Trade; 望遠鏡直銷 - 網上直銷:雙筒望遠鏡、天文望遠鏡、相機、生物顯微鏡...並可代客加工(OEM).
  12. Kingsir Playing Cards Manufacturer Co., Ltd - Specialized in the production of playing cards.
  13. H.R.F. established; 法國威龍 - 以生產天然精華油, 日用香精及食用香精為主.
  14. Rico Group; 力高集團 - 鋼鐵, 液化氣, 石油氣, 塑膠制品, 工廠, 供應商, 買家, steel, lpg, plastic, factory, supplier, buyer
  15. Apollo Advertising and Hotel Supplier Co.; 晨進 - Manufacturer and exporter of matches. 生產廣告火柴。
  16. Prominent Technology Enterprise Limited; 卓誠實業有限公司
  17. Hong Kong Wholesales Market; 香港市場批發中心 - 有玩具, 文具, 用品, 首飾, 電器, 公仔.
  18. Roland Schmidt (China) Ltd. - Producing and exporting rattan cane materials.
  19. Chee May (Goh's) Ltd.; 志美(吳氏)有限公司 - Accessories, calculator, checkwriter, coins counting machine, high speed banknote counter, laminators, overhead projector, samsung printer, time recorder, kofa typewriter, paper shredder, desktop banknote counter.
  20. Toyo Trading Company; 東洋貿易公司 - 專營燈罩.燈飾.軟地墊.日本保麗板薄膜.熱熔膠.裝飾原紙.預浸漬原紙.防火板紙.裝飾花紋紙.封邊條.人造皮革及各類出入口.
  21. Century Equipment Company Ltd.; 百年有限公司 - 冷凍設備
  22. Asia Goods - Asia Goods 世界交易市場,商人,出口商,進口商 批發商,分發者,供應商,商業交換中心,列表產品,資源,部件,免費相片廣告.
  23. Hong Kong Silverware Manufacturer - One of the metalware manufacturers based in Hong Kong: silverware products, serving trays, photo frames, stationery sets and an assortment of gifts.
  24. FSK window Tinting Paper; FSK 防爆隔熱紙 - FSK 防爆隔熱紙, 隔熱紙, 裝貼隔熱紙, 防爆, 玻璃紙, 茶紙.
  25. Marketplace Online - Trading website with directory of buyers and sellers in worldwide. Inquiry center supports realtime inquiry to buyers and sellers.
  26. Andena Products Ltd. - 跳字時鐘, 針數機, 體育用品, 手錶, 等多元化生產商
  27. The ABB Group - a globalized technology and engineering company serving customers in power transmission and distribution; automation; oil, gas, and petrochemicals; industrial products and contracting; and in financial services.
  28. General Merchandising Expert - Zhen Hua Group covers genearl trading, B2B/ B2C Internet marketing businesses. (1) Herbal division: Chinese and medicinal herbs, raw materials, health food, pharmaceuticals; (2) Outdoors and sports division: BBQ charcoal, grills, luggage carts etc.
  29. Products Seek - product sources with categorization
  30. Edco International Ltd.; 益高洋行有限公司 - Offers beauty items, gift & premiums, leisure & health Items, housewares.
  31. Elefame International Ltd.; 曉譽國際有限公司 - Lighters manufacturer.
  32. Taiya Company Ltd.; 太亞聯合有限公司 - 提供垃圾桶、吊機、昇降台、污衣槽、泳池設計及安裝工程。
  33. V-Goal Development Co.; 偉高發展公司 - 產品包括EVA、PU、PVC、PC、商標印嘜、海棉、化妝綿、橡膠、矽膠、包裝棉、五金、滴膠、絲印和雙面膠紙等。
  34. Coper (H.K.) Ltd.; 高柏商業系統公司 - Office machines & stationery including : time recorder, industrial vacuum cleaner, hand hydraulic pallet truck, water coolers & stationery.

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