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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Employers' Federation of Hong Kong; 香港僱主聯合會 - 有勞工法例、人力及培訓、薪酬調整及僱傭關係。
  2. 香港國際投資總商會 - 介紹章程、活動及組織架構。
  3. The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong; 香港中華廠商聯合總會 - 創立於一九三四年, 為香港政府註冊之 非牟利工商團體, 有各行業會員超過三千七百家
  4. Citic Pacific; 中信泰富 - 一間上市中資公司
  5. The Hong Kong Association of Northern California - serve for Northern California-based business corporations
  6. Alberta Hong Kong Office - provides information about trade, Alberta-China Trade, Alberta CNPC Petroleum Center, investments, marketing, business immigration, tourism, and education on the province of Alberta in Canada.
  7. Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association; 香港中小型企業聯合會 - 展開各項協助本港中小型企業發展的工作和計劃。 Carried out activities to help companies recover from the economic recession and to open opportunities for further growth and development. As the voice of many small and medium-sized companies, the association has brought up major concerns such as copyright infringement and financial loans, to the attention of the Hong Kong government.
  8. World Chinese Business Association Union; 世界華商協會聯盟 - 爲促進兩岸三地的經濟與社會的發展,扮演積極作用的非營利華商團體。

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