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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 國維有限公司 - 從事鉛筆、鉛珠筆、活動鉛芯筆、木顏色筆、擦膠及直尺生產及批發。
  2. eWholesale HK; 世博文具 - 直銷膠袋封口機、過膠機、過膠片、釘裝機、釘裝膠圈、熱熔裝訂機、熱熔裝訂封套、辦公室卡鐘(傳統或八達通款)、驗鈔機、標價機、切紙刀、電香薰燈、香薰油、精品等。
  3. Timax Trading Company; 天馬行香港文具中心 - 提供辦公用品、商業用紙、電腦器材及印刷服務,接受網上或傳真訂購。
  4. BigBoXX.Com 有限公司 - Products include office supplies and stationery.
  5. No. 1 Occupational Safety and Health Product Centre; 一號職業安全及健康產品中心 - 代理適體腳踏、腕墊、文件架、螢幕濾鏡。
  6. Wah Tat Packing & Stationery Co. Ltd; 華達包裝文具有限公司 - 提供文具用品、包裝文具、辦公室文具。
  7. Segitta Stationery; 思捷達文具批發 - 專營寫字樓文儀用品,包括原子筆、快勞、影印紙、書簿及筆記用品等。 Online order and delivery for office stationery, such as pen, paper, file, writing pad and memo.
  8. Sky Blue Concept; 藍天文儀 - 代理環保碳粉、影印紙、Fax紙、感熱收銀機紙卷及File等文儀用具亦提供文儀維修服務。
  9. Professional Systems Co.; 專業文儀公司 - 供應辦公室文儀用品。
  10. eWholesale Hong Kong - 銷售文具、嬰兒用品、變壓器、真皮相機套、香薰、滅火筒、餐具、電腦配件、精品、電動單車、數碼相機及手提攝錄機等產品。
  11. 光明社 - 批發、辦公室用品、文儀器材、電腦耗材。
  12. Oem-Stationery Supplier - Supplies stationery for ECO brand.
  13. Wellshops; 香港文具採購 - 產品包括通用文具、檔案處理、桌面文具、筆類、改錯用品、剪裁用品、簿類、印章及墨水、包裝及郵寄用品等。
  14. 富榮行 - 批發文具、炭粉墨匣、電腦用品、文儀器材、包裝用品、洋紙賬册、印章、釘裝用品。
  15. SYM Stationery & Gift Company; 信誼文具禮品 - 本店位於大學火車站, 科學園新開的文具店, 提供文具, 文儀,電腦耗材, 包裝用品, 電工用品, 戶外用品及廣告禮品服務.
  16. Acme Office Supplies Co Ltd.; 益美文儀器材有限公司 - Provides document binders and covers.
  17. Office Systems Ltd.; 商系洋行有限公司 - 經營Brother傳真機及雷射打印機、HSM碎紙機、GMP過膠機和IBICO釘裝機等文儀器材,並設有代印咭片服務及網上銷售。
  18. Bigboxx Office Supplies - Office supplies & stationery, your premier online business supplies e-commerce portal
  19. Advance Label Manufactory; 捷達膠貼商標製造廠 - Sticker manufacturer. 製造及代工生產商標膠貼、電子條碼帶及螢光膠帶。
  20. London City Ltd. - office supply manufacturer: desk organizer, pencil sharpener, scissors, stapler, etc.
  21. Tung Yung Stationery Manufactory Ltd.; 通用文具製品廠有限公司 - 文具, 文儀用品公司, Stationary
  22. Wah Yuen Trading - manufactures various kinds of stationery, pencils, carpenter pencils and pencil lead.
  23. Well Join Industrial Ltd.; 環貫實業有限公司 - Specializing in making wooden pens, pen cases, wooden toys, wooden utensils, bags, cosmetic, travel kits, gifts and promotional items.
  24. Winson Development Co.; 永佳發展公司 - Specialized in making pens, including ball pen, roller pen, fountain pen, pencil & gift boxes etc.
  25. Masstex International Ltd. - produces desk top calculator, hand held, hardcase, euro conversion etc.
  26. Essential Industries Ltd. - Manufacturer & exporter of stationeries in Hong Kong.
  27. Tonzex Technology Stationery (H.K.) Ltd. - 生產計算機、滑鼠墊、記事簿、文件夾及銀包等產品。
  28. Handilink Ltd. - Provides artist material products, filing products, packaging products, paper products, photographic accessories products etc.
  29. Universe Stationery Supplies Ltd.; 天下文儀有限公司 - 專營寫字樓文具用品
  30. Progressive Group - Manufacturer & exporter of gift & house wares of pencil sharpener, ruler, math's set, eraser etc.
  31. Ringsun Industrial Limited - Stationery manufacturer and exporter that supply auto stapler, auto punch, auto tape dispenser and other office stationeries.
  32. Cmotion HK Ltd. - fish pen, animal pen, fish key chain, cutter, fish torch, stapler, insect, push pin, cock screw, roller pen, fish tableware, mouse, gift stationery manufacturer and supplier.
  33. Jumptex; 駿翔圖書文儀公司 - supplies stationery, copy paper computer & office printing. 經銷各國文具、精品、紙業、電腦用品及商業文儀。
  34. ACE & Associates (HK) Ltd.; 友創(香港)有限公司 - procudes various stationery, including photo laminating machine, book binding machine, paper shredder, financial equipment, laminating films etc. 生產各類辦公室文儀用品, 如相片過膠機, 電子碎紙機, 手動碎紙機, 驗鈔及點鈔儀器等。
  35. Computer Binder Supplies Co Ltd; 八達文儀製品有有限公司 - Offers PP stationery: binder, file, folder, document cases & etc; printer, copier & fax consumable & parts; computer furniture & steel furniture. 供應PP電腦夾, 活頁夾, 文件夾, 打印, 影印, 傳真機消耗品及零件, 電腦檯及鋼鐵傢具等。
  36. Art City; 藝城美術用品公司 - 一家售賣美術設計用品的專門店, 另外兼售文儀用品和電腦周邊產品等. art & design, painting material, stationary and computer accessory shop.
  37. Sky Office Supplies; 藍天電腦文儀公司 - 供應電腦及辦公室文儀器材: 3M & Polariod Filter, HP Toner, Office Ergonomics Product, 投影機, 電腦標籤, Sony MO & Backup Tape, 噴墨機墨盒和 BPI 代用墨盒等.
  38. Hans Novelty Stationery - stationery and toy manufacturer
  39. Lyreco (HK); 來利客 - 提供辦公室文儀用品及電腦產品。
  40. Oasis Industries Company - Gift & premium manufacturer. 生產滑鼠墊、卡通圖案相架、精美鎖匙扣、旅行袋及原子筆等文具產品。
  41. Wealth enterprises (far east) Ltd.; 和富(遠東)有限公司
  42. King Wo Industries (International) Ltd. - Stationery manufacturer.
  43. ace & associates (hk) ltd.; 友創(香港)有限公司 - Laminating equipment, book binding, shredder and office equipment.
  44. Wen You Enterprises; 文友企業 - 辦公用品, 文具筆紙供應, 節日彩燈, 家居刀剪. Range of stationery and other light merchandise, etc.
  45. Tai's Office Equipment Co; 泰時商業用品公司 - 提供辦公室商業用品及機器影印機、傳真機、雷射打印機、噴墨打印機、電腦碳粉、零件、曝光燈、墨水(原廠或代用)、打字機色帶、電腦用label等。
  46. C&F Industrial Co.; 騰龍實業公司 - 生產各類廉價原子筆、精品文具、禮品、計算機、摺卡、紙盒及設計製作印刷廣告等.
  47. Nam Cheong Colourful Printing Fty.; paper gift, premiums - specializing in making paper gifts, premiums & stationery. Such as gift boxs/ handbag / photoframe / holed preforated school note book ...We are factory based company in Dongguan CHINA.
  48. Stationery Gallery; 文具廊 - 提供文儀用品零售, 批發及採購服務. 位於屯門, 將軍澳.
  49. TS International Holdings Co. Ltd.; 國亮國際控股有限公司 - Manufacturer of metal gift & premium items, such as memo pad, holder, paperweight, key chains, wine stoppers, photo frames, desk clocks & pen holders.
  50. Man Wui Stationery Office Supplies Company Ltd.; 文匯文教用品有限公司 - Supplies stationery & office supplies products.
  51. Shing Cheong Stationery & Books Ltd.; 成昌文具圖書有限公司 - 專營文具廣告禮品、環保袋、月曆、廣告筆等及批發橡皮艇。
  52. Ellisa Lo; 盧玉燕 - Pens including ball point, gel, roller, plastic and metal pens. Provides personalized engrave and print wording service.
  53. Top Apex Manufacturer - Specializes in stamper, stamp kits, carfts, pens and pencils and stationery kits.
  54. Sunteeming (HK) Company Ltd. - Products include notebook, paper box, photo album, plastic cards, plastic folder.
  55. Fangyuan Stationery Manufacture Co. Ltd; 方圆文具製造有限公司 - 一家集產品設計、開發、生產、貿易為一體的綜合實體企業,專業生產橡皮擦、水彩筆及組合套裝等文具。
  56. Novel Creations Enterprise Ltd.; 展穎企業 - 生產文具及手工包裝盒的廠商,專營環保PP文具製品,PP柯式相冊,布面/皮殼相冊,名片冊,筆記本,檔夾,檯曆,手提袋,禮品盒等紙制,布制以及皮制產品。
  57. Kai Hing Industrial (H.K.) Ltd. - Products include magnetic drawing board and stationery set.
  58. Hong Kong International Stationery Fair; 香港國際文具展 - 展出書寫工具、辦公室用品、紙品、美術設備、教學器材。
  59. Shun Teck Stationery Manufacturing Company; 信達文具製品公司 - 提供五金文具鐵夾,如蝴蝶夾、手推夾、線夾、老鼠夾、柱夾、牙夾、兩孔夾、三孔夾、電腦夾、及其它產品如PP、PVC、paper board files等。
  60. Pioneer Stationery & Books Co; 維盛文具圖書公司 - 銷售商業機器、耗材、紙類、印章、信封、標籤及郵遞用品。

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