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IELTS 幾分?15分鐘即測, 想知自己 IELTS 英文水平 ? Wall Street 幫你免費測試,立即參加。
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Hong Kong and China Manufacturer Exporter Supplier Directory Tradeeasy; 易貿通 - Provides trade information on garments, gifts, premium, stationery, shoes, bags, toys, clocks, wataches, jewellery, consumer electronics, household items, arts, crafts, decorative items, festival items, furniture, parts & components, audio visual products.
  2. Worldful; 世貿網 - 電子商務應用服務供應商,為商家溝通、交流、發布及獲取信息的渠道。
  3. Hong Kong Exporter Net; 香港出口商聯網 - A guide to Hong Kong exporters and manufacturers.
  4. Tradelink-eBiz; 貿易通 - 經商互聯網網站, 有關香港的出入口貿易商戶的資訊.
  5. HK Products; 香港產品網 - Trade magazine from Hong Kong. Products coverage: gifts, premium, stationary, houseware, lighting, electronics, toys, games, seasonal decorations, packaging, watches & clocks, etc.
  6. Chinesetrading; 中華商網 - 功能變數名稱申請、網頁製作、進出口貿易、硬體銷售等服務與諮詢, 並有企業及商品資料庫查詢, 商業網站建設及電子商務解決方案服務,網站管理.
  7. GCB China Information; 方譽中國信息網 - 提供中國進出口貿易數据為主要內容的商業資訊。
  8. Hong Kong Export Net - Database and directory of manufacturers and exporters of a variety of products and services.
  9. China Locator; 中華商機 - 中國海外貿易平台,服務包括中國海外商業及貿易目錄、商業資料庫、WTO中國貿易資訊。
  10. PRC Products; 中國產品網 - six industries are included - toys, clocks & watches, electrical appliance, stationery, machines and electronis with information of market place, recruitment center and suppliers database.
  11. Forum.298.Net; 298貿易網商務論壇 - 並提供中國大陸經商、投資、貿易、項目合作討論及服務。

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