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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Shanghai Qianlong Advanced Technology Co., Ltd.; 乾隆科技 (8015)
  2. Pine Technology; 松景科技 (8013)
  3. iMerchants; 菱控電子商業有限公司 (8009) - Provides online shopping, auction, trading, product and service searching, payment and fulfillment facilities. 提供網上購物、拍賣、貿易、搜尋產品、付款及交易流程等服務。
  4. Sunevision; 新意網 (8008) - harnesses the existing strengths of Sun Hung Kai Properties' principal technology assets - i-Advantage, SuperHome.net, Propertystreet.net, Insurancestreet.net, Red-Dots.com, Sun Technologies and venture capital investments.
  5. Timeless Software Ltd.; 天時軟件 (8028) - software company and Internet Technology Provider (ITP).
  6. T S Telecom Technologies Ltd.; 大誠電訊 (8003) - focused on providing maintenance and monitoring solutions for telecommunication and related networks, products include advanced maintenance and monitoring systems, proprietary monitoring software and digital access equipment for telecommunication networks. Also a value added distributor, manufacturer and systems integrator of monitoring and maintenance equipment.
  7. Vodatel Systems; 愛達利網絡 (8033)
  8. Tom.com (8001) - 以中國資訊娛樂內容為主, 即時新聞、個人化新聞資訊、趣味生活指數、電郵服務、交談室、即時聲音及視像廣播。
  9. Prosten Technology Co., Ltd.; 長達科技 (8026) - principal business includes the design and configuration of broadband data networks and Internet backbone using the technologies such as ATM/FR and IP.
  10. Yuxing InfoTech Holdings Ltd.; 裕興電腦 (8005)

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