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Dolls-公仔或洋娃娃生產商 (6)
Organizations-玩具生產商組織 (2)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Wynnewood Corporation Ltd. - Produces plastic, electronic toys, consumer and industrial products.
  2. Wynnewood Corporation Ltd. - Specializes in the development and production of plastic/electronic toys, and consumer/industrial products.
  3. BandaiAsia - Bandai offical web site, Gundam, Powerranger, Digimon, Wonderswan.
  4. Happy Well International Enterprises Ltd. - Manufactures toys and infant items.
  5. New Li Yen; 麗眼企業有限公司 - 有活動眼睛、娃娃眼睛、鼻子及手機座銷售。
  6. Yick Chi Candy Toys Fty; 香港益智糖果玩具廠 - 主要負責糖果玩具, 頭飾玩具, 禮品及出口貿易等.
  7. Soar Art Workshop; 傲翔制作室 - Products include scale model, fire engine, soft vinly, prototype, art, painted, resin, sap, rifle, gun, pistol, head, shoe, figure, action figure, Japan model.
  8. Blue Box International Ltd. - Toys manufacturer. ODM 及 OEM 生產玩具產品,包括活動公仔、電子玩具及教育玩具等。
  9. Welly Die Casting Factory Ltd - Manufacturer of die cast replica collectable and toy cars in Hong Kong.
  10. Aspiration Toys International - Exporter of Adult Intelligence Toys. 成人智趣玩具.
  11. King and Country - Manufactures toys of soldiers, miniature figures, military vehicles, model aircraft and buildings etc.
  12. Silverlit Toys Mfy. Ltd.
  13. Honwell Trading Co., Ltd.; 康偉洋行有限公司 - supplying toys, baby shoes, baby garments and accessories, household & kitchenware, crafts, gifts, premiums and souvenirs to customers.
  14. Sun Hing Toys Co. Ltd.; 新興玩具公司 - 生產批發流行精品玩具爆炸狗, 烘麵包, 趴地熊, Snoopy, 叮噹, 加菲貓, Potehamu, Nakayoshi Net, 彈珠人, 數碼貓, 超人帝拿, 游泳產品等。
  15. Master Shine International; 康越國際有限公司 - manufactures toys, gifts, and promotional items.
  16. Scarfell Enterprises Hong Kong Ltd. - Manufactures and exports pet products, friction power toys for children, porcelain mugs etc.
  17. K's Kids Park - 製造有教育意義的玩具.
  18. Joy Strong Industrial Ltd. - manufactures plastic toys, including battery operated, action play set, smart block, smart douch, writing-board etc.
  19. Yarto - provides toys, gifts and souvenirs, including antique bears, alice in wonderland, door plaques etc.
  20. Zhongma Toys Co., Ltd. - specialized in providing toys.
  21. Childford Industries Co. Ltd.
  22. D & P International Ltd. - 遙控車生產商,合金車生產商,中國合金玩具車廠。 China toy car manufacturers, Hong Kong die-cast car company, HK remote-control cars, radio control cars, toy motorbike factory, Saico, Saicon.
  23. Tung Fung Industrial Manufactory (HK) Ltd. - 毛工仔制造商, 可網上下訂單.
  24. Hang Lee Industrial Ltd.; 恆利有限公司 - 生產不同種類的玩具及產品設計。
  25. Capital 88 - including beanie babies, floppy friends, fanciful baby animal hats, streetwise bendable bears, the amazingly soft and cuddly fuzzies etc.
  26. Hugo Creation Industrial Ltd. - Toy manufacturer. 生產及製造小型玩具汽車、鎖匙扣、公仔和皮球。
  27. Million Bright Ind. Co.; 達峰實業公司 - factory of sticker. including laser sticker, nail sticker, tattoo, stick-on earring...
  28. Kwong Wah Toys Ltd. - Toy manufacturer. 兒童玩具精品生產商,產品包括軌道賽車、小型彈珠遊戲機及兒童科學顯微鏡等。
  29. Mei Kee Plastic Copany Ltd.; 美奇塑膠廠有限公司 - exporter and manufacturer of toys.
  30. Goldlok Toys Mfy.,Co.,Ltd.; 高樂玩具廠
  31. Hobby Horse Toys - Educational toys, family games, arts & crafts, books, X'mas, birthday gifts for kids & children to learn & play.
  32. Choy Hing Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. - 玩具生產,包括電動玩具及教育玩具等。
  33. Harbour Ring Industries Ltd.; 港陸國際集團有限公司 - 宣傳品及塑膠玩具生產商。
  34. Wai Lam Manufactory Ltd. - specializes in manufacturing and designing mechanical plush animals.
  35. Billco Industrial Co., Ltd. - Toys manufacturer. 生產及製造搖搖,包括夜光搖搖、發光搖搖、音樂搖搖等。
  36. Evergreen Toys and Novelties Factory Ltd. - 生產兒童玩具,包括飾物、節日玩具、珠仔及搖搖等
  37. Wing Mau Trading Co. Ltd. - 製造及原件生產各款小型塑膠玩具。
  38. Top Toys Gift Centre; 達高禮品有限公司 - Toy manufacturer. 生產及製造公仔玩具、相機袋、筆記簿型電腦袋及背囊等。
  39. Made In China Toys; 中國製造-玩具 - Both toys buyers and suppliers can get information through market place, recruitment centre, suppliers directory and trade show information. 為玩具業的生產商及買家提供有用資料,並加強雙方的貿易合作。
  40. King Sang Paper Toys Ltd. - 製造及原件生產紙製玩具,包括拼圖及兒童活頁故事書。
  41. Toto Toys Ltd. - manufactures educational toys, and offers vacuum plating service, injection moulding service etc.
  42. Galaxy Way Industries Ltd.; 國衛實業有限公司 - wooden decoration, wooden toys, wooden christmas ornamnet set & hanging tree items...
  43. Toy Hunters; 玩具狂熱
  44. Concord Industrial Company - 製造、原件生產及出口玩具產品。
  45. Companion Plastic Factory Ltd. ; 良友塑膠廠有限公司 - Plastic toys manufacturer in Hong Kong. 生產塑膠玩具。
  46. Wealth Ocean Industrial Ltd.; 富海實業有限公司 - 生產玩具,如對講機、收音機、電子玩具等。 Produces toys, such as walkie talkie, radio, electronic toys.
  47. Great International Toys Ltd. - Dealing with toys, dolls, trolls, capsule, gift, etc.
  48. Tin Kong Industrial (HK) Ltd. - manufactures and exports of Baby Musical Toys products.
  49. Ka Wah Toys - manufacturer and exporter of plastic toys.
  50. Intelligence Explorer; 智能探索 - 智能探索公司的目標是藉玩具、書籍和多媒體協助人們探索自身無窮無盡的智能。
  51. KidMaster Educational Toys Ltd.; 主人翁教育玩具 - Offers educational toys, such as construction, musical, role playing, logical thinking, color & shape, language and physical toys.
  52. Hing Fat Plastic Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; 興發廠玩具有限公司 - 製造毛絨玩具、塑膠玩具、禮品等。
  53. Ideal Creation Ltd. - Production of electronic plastic and plush toys
  54. 3L Creation Group Ltd.; 三友創意有限公司 - Services include toy manufacturing, toy design.
  55. Hang Fat (Hop Shing) Manufacturing Factory Ltd.; - Processes plastic toys and plastic radio covers, thermo-pot.
  56. Wing Kai Industrial (HK) Ltd.; 永佳實業(香港)有限公司 - Manufactures and exports battery operated toys, baby toys, educational toys, remote controlled toys, car toys, electronic keyboard and various plastic toys, doll and christmas items.
  57. Neloco Electronics Co.,Ltd. - Manufactures musical toys, electronic toys, educational toys.
  58. 利高玩具製品廠 - 有玩具、吹氣用品及PVC產品。
  59. Efford Industries Co. Ltd.; 耀鋒企業有限公司 - Develops and produces toys.

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