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Environmental Protection

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Air Quality-空氣品質 (21)
Companies-環保公司 (26)
Information-環保資訊 (4)
Organizations-環保組織 (26)
Recycling-環保回收公司 (15)
Waste Management-廢物處理 (6)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong; 世界野生動物基金會香港分會 - 宗旨是改善自然環境, 該會的工作, 包括遊說政府推行環境保護政策, 維護米埔沼澤自然保護區, 推行教育工作
  2. Produce Green Foundation; 綠田園基金
  3. Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd. - An independent consulting practice which provides services in a range of fields relating to architecture, civil, building, planning, transportation, industrial engineering and environmental engineering.
  4. Ocean Park Conservation Foundation 海洋公園鯨豚保護基金
  5. EnvironmentalCare Ltd.; 愛環保有限公司 - 改善室內空氣(IAQ)﹐室內環境(IEQ).
  6. The Hong Kong Society for Panda Conservation; 香港熊貓保育協會 - 致力確保熊貓的生存。
  7. BioClean - Promotes environmentally friendly pest control services to the people of Hong Kong.
  8. The Green Farm; 綠野田原 - 內含都市農夫, 日營活動及照片等資料.
  9. The Hong Kong Sustainable Communications Association(HKSCA); 香港可持續傳訊協會 - 旨在提供溝通渠道加強各界聯繫,共同推廣可持續發展,締造綠色未來。

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