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Metal Working

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Sites for you ( §Ú­n¥[¤J Sites for You Àu¥ý±Æ§Ç ¤¤): ºô¯¸±Æ¦æ: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Super-I Enterprises Co,.Ltd.; ¶W·N¤­ª÷¶ì®Æ - ±Mªù¥Í²£¦U¦¡¥|¦X³§¡B¤û¥J³§¡B¶ì¿û³§¡B¹g°v¡BÂû²´¡BÅ@¨¤¡B¤â§â¡B´¡¦©¡BÂ\°Ê§¨¡B¹_¡B¦©¨ã¡B¦©Àô¡BÅK½uªO¦¨«~µ¥°t¥ó¡C
  2. µØªFª÷Äݤuµ{¦³­­¤½¥q - ³]­p¤Î»s§@«B½´¡Bª÷Äݨî«~,ªO§÷¥[¤u¡C
  3. Vertex Industrial Company; «Â¹F¹ê·~¤½¥q - Manufactures and exports corporate gifts and promotional items, including business card holder, name card holder, calculator holder, pocket mirror, pill box, memo holder, luggage tag, cigarette case, telephone index, coaster, personalized gifts.
  4. ¼w§Q¹q¤l¤­ª÷¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¹q¤l»s§@©Ò»Ýªº»ö¾¹¡B³]³Æ¡B¤u¨ã©M»²®Æ¡C
  5. Team Elegant (Hong Kong) Ltd.; ¬üÁp(­»´ä)¤½¥q - Specializes in OEM or ODM tin boxes product.
  6. «nÂ×¾÷±ñ¤u¨ã¦³­­¤½¥q - ¦³¤­ª÷¥Î«~¡C
  7. NBI LTD; ÄRµoºëÃÀª÷Äݤu·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¤­ª÷»s«~¡C
  8. Hong Kong Metal Works Co., Ltd.; ­»´ä¤­ª÷»s«~¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¤­ª÷»s«~¡A¥]¬A»æ¦L¡BÅÍ©Õ¾¹µ¥¡C
  9. Ngai Shing Metal Factory; ¼Ý¦¨ª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - Sell products include various metal designs such as: key chains, cash box, metal tool products and etc. ±MÀç¦UÃþ¤­ª÷»s«~¡A²£«~¥]¬A¦U¦¡¦U¼Ë¤­ª÷°Í¦©¡B¤â³U­I±a¦©¡B¿ú½c¡B¤u¨ã¬[µ¥¡C
  10. Mings Enterprises - Healthcare products manufacturers. ¥Í²£¡B¥N²z¡B¥X¤f¤Î¤J¤f¦UÃþª÷Äݤ­ª÷¡B¦¨¦ç»s¦ç¡B¤Æ¾Ç¤u·~¡B¹q¾¹²£«~¡BÂåÀøÃĪ«¡B«Ø¿v§÷®Æ¡B»´¤u·~µ¥¡C
  11. Mansfield Manufacturing Company Ltd. - ¸gÀçª÷Äݱ̦L¤Î¨ä¥Lª÷Äݪþ¥ó»s³y¡C
  12. Modern Metal & Refining Ltd.
  13. Shougang Concord Century Holdings Ltd. Offical Web Site.; ­ºªøÄ_¨Î¶°¹Î¦³­­¤½¥q©x¤èºô­¶ - involved in manufacturing of steel cord, trading of copper and brass products, manufacturing of pre-stressed concrete strands and wires.
  14. Sun Takwai Stainless Steel Products Co.; ·s¼w«Â¤£¿û»s«~¤½¥q - ¸gÀç½d³ò¥]¬A¡G¤£ù׿û¤­ª÷«Ø¿v¸Ë¹¢¤uµ{¡F®É¸Ë©±³¯¦C¹D¨ã³f¬[¡FÂåÀø¾¹±ñ¡F¤£ù׿û»É°s©±¥Î«~¡F¤­ª÷³ÃÍï¨Fµo°t¥ó¡F¤£ù׿ûÀJ¶ì¤Î©ÛµP¤uµ{¡F¬Á¼þÀJ¶ì¤Î¤uÃÀ»s«~¡F¤£ù׿û®a®x¼pÂd¡F¤£ù׿ûÅKÃÀű¥ó³ÃÍï¡C
  15. Golden Winmark Metal Manufactory Ltd.; ©ú¹F»s«~¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - Supply brass and leather products.
  16. Builder Trading Company - ª÷ÄݾT½c¥Í²£°Ó¡C
  17. Capitco Company Ltd.; ¶×»E¤­ª÷¦³­­¤½¥q - provides door lock or access control system as follows: Marco Polo, Kaba Ilco, Schlage, Falcon, Faultless, LCN, SDC, Adams Rite, Cisa, Abus, Briton, Von Durpin, Legge.
  18. King Siu Metal Product Factory Ltd.; ¨Ê¥ü¤­ª÷»s«~¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¤Î¥[¤u°ª«~½èª÷Äݳâ¥zºõ¡B¨T¨®­µÅT¾÷´ß¡B¨T¨®¤ô¼·¡B¥úºÞ¤ä¬[¡B´²¼ö¤ù¤Î¤Ï¥úªMµ¥ª÷Äݹs°t¥ó¡C
  19. Lee Kee Group Ltd.; §Q°O¶°¹Î¦³­­¤½¥q - Agency and distributorship of non-ferrous metals such as zinc, zinc alloys, aluminium, aluminium alloys, lead, tin, tin-lead alloys, stainless steel, metal/chemical materials for electroplating, produces tin-lead alloy for imitation jewelry, pewter, fusible alloys ¥N²z¤Î¸g¾P¦U°êª÷ÄÝ­ì®Æ¡A²£«~¦p¾N¡B¾T¡B¹]¦Xª÷¡B¤£ù׿û¡B¹qÁá¤Æ¤u­ì®Æµ¥¥t¦Û³]¤u³õ¥Í²£¤H³y­º¹¢¡B¿üøN¦Xª÷­ì®Æµ¥
  20. Chong Shing Tin Box Manufactory; ªø«°ÅK²°»s«~¼t - ¥Í²£ÅK²°¡A²£«~¥]¬A¿}ªG²°¡B¤Ó¶§²´Ãè²°¡B¤â¿ö²°¤ÎÅK¶º²°µ¥¡C
  21. Standard Metal Manufactory; ¹ê¥Îª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - Specialist in precision sheet metal pressing products, include mold design and production. Power pressing machines from 10 to 150 ton, AGIE precision EDM wire cut and forming, CNC machining centre etc. Products include parts for mini product, supporting rack and contact plate for electroic products or office automation equipment. Our factory is qualified with ISO9001. ±M·~¥Í²£ºë±Kª÷Äݤù¹s°t¥ó¡A¼Ò¨ã³]­p¤Î¥Í²£¡C ³]¦³10¦Ü150¾·¨R§É¡A·ç¤hAGIEºë±K¹q¤õªá½u¤Á³Î¾÷¤Î¤õªá¾÷¡A¼Æ±±¥[¤u¤¤¤ßµ¥¡C²£«~¥]¬A¤p«¬°¨¹F°t¥ó¡A¹q¤l²£«~©Î¿ì¤½«Ç¦Û°Ê¤Æ»ö¾¹¤§ª÷Äݤä¬[¤Î±µÄ²¤ùµ¥µ¥¡C°ê¤º¼t©Ð¤wÀòISO9001»{ÃÒ¡C
  22. Woo Fung Metal Manufactory; ©MÂת÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - (wholly owned by Asiatic Regent investment Ltd.) is one of the manufacturers of silver & gold-plated metal wares in Hong Kong.
  23. Chuen Hing Metal Mfy.; »Í¿³ª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - ±MÀç¦UÃþ¤u°Ó·~¤£ù׿û¼p¨ã³]³Æ¤Î¾T½èªùµ¡¹s°t¥ó¡C­ÝÀç¦UºØª÷ÄÝ¥[¤u¥]¬A¡G¾N¦Xª÷À£Å±¤Î°àÀ£©Ô¦ùµ¥¡C
  24. Metalware; ª÷Äݨî«~ - ¥D­n¤¶²Ð­»´ä©Ò¥Í²£¤§¦UÃþª÷Äݨî«~¶R½æ.
  25. Top Resources Co. Ltd.; ¹©¥ß¸ê·½¦³­­¤½¥q - »É½u¥[¤u¦Ü¥Í²£USB, UTP ¹q¸£½u, ¹q·½½u.
  26. Chuen Hing Metal Mfy.; »Í¿³ª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - specialize in both industrial and commercial stainless steel kitchen equipment parts, aluminum window locks and door hinges, also do zinc alloy die-casting and punching, etc. ±MÀç¦UÃþ¤u°Ó·~¤£ù׿û¼p¨ã³]³Æ¹s¥ó¤Î¾T½èªùµ¡¹s¥ó¡A­ÝÀç¦UºØª÷ÄÝ¥[¤u¡A¥]¬A:¾N¦Xª÷À£Å±¤Î°àÀ£©Ô¦ù¦¨«¬µ¥¡C
  27. WellCrest Industries Ltd.; ´Iê×¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - Products include tin box, tin can, tea box, coffee box, watch box, watch tin, watch box, pencil case, fancy box, gift box, confection box, tin packaging.
  28. Chun Fat Plastic Metal Factory; «Tµo¶ì½¦¤­ª÷¼tºô¯¸ - Supplier and manufacturer of car accessories and car X'mas trees.
  29. Jebsen Metal Industrial Co.; ±¶¦¨¤­ª÷¹ê·~¤½¥q - metal product manufacturer in Hong Kong, produce sports goods, flying shoes, scoters, buttons and snaps.
  30. Boly Metal Manufactory Ltd.; Ä_§Qª÷Äݨî«~¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¨Ó¼Ë, ¨Ó¹Ï, Ëò¥óµ¥§@ª÷Äݹs¥ó¥[¤u. ¦p°¨¹F¶b, ¦UºØ³ïºÞ, Á³µ·, µ·¥À, ¦UºØÅøÀY¤M, Åͦñ¤Mµ¥.
  31. Hang Fat Aluminum Profiles Co Ltd; «íµo¾T«¬§÷¦³­­¤½¥q
  32. ÄY°O¤­ª÷»s«~¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - »s³yª±¨ã¤­ª÷°t¥ó, ¥]¬Aª±¨ã¨®¶b¡B½Rªá°v¡B¦U´Ú²§§Î¶b¡B¼u®¤Î¦Û°Ê¨®§É¥óµ¥¡C
  33. Asia Pacific Steel Ltd.; ¨È¤Ó¿û·~¦³­­¤½¥q - Offers strip steel products including clicker die steel, cold rolled high/mild/low carbon strip steel and cold rolled alloy strip steel.
  34. Lee Hang Metal Co. Ltd. - specialises in making metal products, such as candlesticks, plant-hangers, coat-hangers, metal decorations and Christmas metal ornaments.
  35. Wellcrest Industries Ltd.; ´Iê×¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - Products include tin box, tin can, tea can, coffee can, watch box, watch tin, pencil case, confection can.
  36. Wai Shun Metal Products Co., Ltd.; °¶«Hª÷ÄÝ»s«~¦³­­¤½¥q - ºë³y¦UÃþ¹q¦À±µÄ²¤ù, ¼u¤ù, ¬Û¾÷¾T»\, ¼u¤}, µo±ø, ÅKÄÁ, ½¦¶K±¾¤Ä, Ã车¤ù.
  37. Leader Metal Electric Manufacturing - »s³y¹q¦À§¨¡B¤­ª÷¤u¼Ò¤Î°t¥ó¡C
  38. Hing Yip Metal Products Factory ; ¿³·~ª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - Manufactures and exports stainless stell, brass & alloy products, including imitation jewellery belt, button, eyelet and metal accessories.
  39. MarsPack Manufacturing (HK) Ltd. - ´£¨Ñ³]­p¡BµáªL»s§@¡B¤u¼Ò¡B¥Í²£ªA°È¡A²£«~¥]¬A¿}ªG²°¡B©@°ØÅø¡B¥úºÐ²°¡B²´Ãè²°¡Bª±¨ã²°¡B¼s§iµPµ¥¡C
  40. Full Best Co; ºÖ¦¨¦æ - ¦Xª÷, »É, ÅKµ¥°t¥ó»s³y, ¼Ò¨ãű³y. ¾A¥Î©ó»s¦ç, ¤â³U, ª±¨ãµ¥¦æ·~.
  41. Poon Kei Engineering Co.; ½Y°ò¤uµ{¤½¥q - Stainless steel engineering. ²£«~¥]¬A©â¤â¡B§ß¤â¡B¦æ§õ¨®¡B¬¡°Ê¨®µ¥¤£ù׿û²£«~¡C
  42. C. K. Yeung Worldwide Ltd.; ±o§QÀô²y¦³­­¤½¥q - ª÷ÄݶT©ö¦æ¡A±Mª`©ó¤£ù׿û¡B¿û¡B»É¡B¾T¡BÜg¡AÅK¤Î¨ä¥Lª÷ÄÝ·~°È¡C
  43. Kwong Lee (Asia) Metal Company Ltd.; ¼s§Q(¨È¤Ó)¤­ª÷¦³­­¤½¥q - ±MÀç¶À»ÉªK¡B¶À»É¤ù¡B¬õ»ÉªK¡B¬õ»É¤ù¡Bôé»É¤ù¡B¹e»É¤ù¡B¾OªK¡B¾O¤ù¡B¤£ù׻ɤù¡BªM¤h»É¡B»ÉºÞ¡B»É½u¡C
  44. On Yip Manufactory Ltd.; ¤ý¤ó¦w·~»s³y¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£ª±¨ã¤­ª÷ÄÝ°t¥ó¡B¤­ª÷½ÄÀ£¥ó¡Bª±¨ã¨®¶b¡B¹q¦À¤ù±µÄ²¤ù¡B¼u¤}¹q¦À¤ù¡BºÛ°v¡Bª±¨ãÁç°v¡B²k±µÃþ¤£ù׿û¤½¥J°©¡B¨®§É¥ó¡BÅK¯]µ¥¡C
  45. Jian Tat Stainless Co. Ltd.; °í¹F¤£ù׿û¦³­­¤½¥q - Distributor of a variety of imported stainless steel. ¸gÀ礣ù׿û§÷®Æ.
  46. Siu Luen metal Machinery FTY.; ¥üÁp¤­ª÷¾÷±ñ¼t - ¥Í²£ª÷Äݽs´¤â³Uºô¤ù¡B§áÃì¡B¯]Ãì¡B°Í¦©¡B³DÃì¤Î¸U¦rÃì¡C
  47. Thinker Manufactory Company Ltd.; ¤Ñ©_»s«~¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - »s³y¨®¥J¶b¡B¦©Ãþ¡B²k±µ¤Î¼u®¡C
  48. Jinfaxin Industrial Ltd.; ÀAµo¿³¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¤p«¬¾÷´ß¡Bª±¨ã¤­ª÷°t¥ó¡A´£¨Ñ²£«~³]­p¡B¼Ò¨ã»s³y¡B¥Í²£¦Ü¦¨«~¸Ë°tªA°È¡C
  49. Kwong Ming Metal Manufactory Ltd.; ¥ú©úª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - ¦³¤â³U¡B¾c¡BªA¸Ë¤Îª÷ÄÝ°t¥ó¡C
  50. Blue Steelware Manufactory; ÂÅ¿û¨î«~¼t - Manufactures stainless steel products, including pocket knife, dagger, bottle opener, multi functions knife, keychain, flask, bottle stopper, name card holder, gift set, etc..
  51. ¶v¹F¤­ª÷»s³y¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£¤­ª÷°t¥ó©M¶ì½¦°t¥ó, ¦³¥N«È¥[¤u¡C
  52. Sun Thinker Industrial Ltd.; ·s¤Ñ©_¹ê·~¦³­­¤½¥q - spring, metal spare parts. ¼u®¤Î¤­ª÷°t¥ó»s«~¥Í²£¡C
  53. Hong Kong Modern Non-Ferrous Metal Co. Ltd.; ­»´ä²{¥N¦³¦âª÷Äݦ³­­¤½¥q - Products include aluminium extrusion, windows, furniture legs, heat sinks, outdoor furnitures, curtain wall, etc..
  54. Hard and Fast Metalware Fty. Ltd.; °í¨³ª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - ¥Í²£ÂêÃþ»s«~¤Î¤­ª÷»s«~¡C
  55. Hop Fung Iron Works Ltd.; ¦XÂ×ÅK¤u¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - ©Óű®Þ§N¾÷¾¹¹s¥ó¡B¥ÍÅK¨F¤«´ë»\¤Î®ø¨¾¤ô³ï¼ä¨ã°t¥ó¡C
  56. Hill Mond Ltd. - Specializes in producing silverplated and goldplated items such as trays, candle holders, ring holders, photo frames, tableware and decorative items.
  57. Shun Teck Stationery Manufacturing Company; «H¹F¤å¨ã»s«~¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¤­ª÷¤å¨ãÅK§¨¡A¦p½¹½º§¨¡B¤â±À§¨¡B½u§¨¡B¦Ñ¹«§¨¡B¬W§¨¡B¤ú§¨¡B¨â¤Õ§¨¡B¤T¤Õ§¨¡B¹q¸£§¨µ¥µ¥¡C
  58. Lee's Metal Works; §õ¤óª÷ÄÝ»s«~¼t - »s³y»É¡B¾T¡B¿û»ÊµP¡AªA¸Ëªþ¥ó¡BÀ²³¹¡B¼ú³¹¡B°Í¦©¤Î¾÷±ñ±±¨î½c­±ª©¡C
  59. Boron Metal Manufactory Co.; Ä_Às¤­ª÷±MÀ礽¥q - ±MÀç¤â³U¤­ª÷°t¥ó¡A¥]¬Aª÷Äݳy¥Ö±a¦©¡BáMÀY¡BÂê¤Î¤â®¾µ¥¡AÅwªï¨Ó¼Ë­q³y¡C¥D­n´£¨Ñµ¹¼Ú¬w¡B¬ü°ê¡B¤é¥»¡B¤¤ªF¡BªF«n¨Èµ¥¦a¡C
  60. Chun Yu Key Mfg. Ltd.; ¾_¦t°Í¼t¦³­­¤½¥q - A key blank manufacturer. Products include key blanks and sealed accumulators.

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